Have to go to the job market but really don’t feel prepared…

Have to go to the job market but really don't feel prepared...
Have to go to the job market but really don’t feel prepared…

No worries, you’re not alone–lots of my helpers feel that way every time they do a search. A couple of pieces of advice. 1) Your application should be about how you help them solve a problem or problems. 2) Use your cover letter to point to how your resume and experience match what they’re asking for, or rewrite your resume so it’s in their terms (or both). 3) Do not be shy about applying if you don’t meet all of the qualifications. Good luck!

Should I quit my major & become a nurse?

Should I quit my major & become a nurse? Having a mid-college crisis!
Should I quit my major & become a nurse? Having a mid-college crisis!

I can’t tell you what the right decision for you is, but I can absolutely tell you that you will have plenty of occasions to make up and change your mind about what your life is for. This might be one of those moments for you. Talk to some people you trust about it (thanks for including me!) and see if it feels like a good idea. If it does, go for it!



Snoring in French? New sub-class of Library of Congress Classifications for Library Science? Zulu Hotel? Interrupted while writing “zhoosh”? I am intrigued.