How much does GPA really matter?

How much does GPA really matter?
How much does GPA really matter?

Very little in certain contexts; unfortunately a whole lot in a few others. If your plan is med school or some (not all) other graduate programs, or working for certain big-name firms, a high GPA is generally a requirement. Freelance writer, not so much! Also, once you have entered the job market and have a proven track record of competence, it is far less of a factor. Talk to the nice folks at the Career Center ( if you want more detail on how your grades might affect your career.

我想回家。(T▽T) [I want to go home…]

我想回家。[I want to go home...]
我想回家。(T▽T)  [I want to go home…]

Patience, patience. You’ll get home. In the meantime, you need to focus on the here and now, which is hard as the date to return gets closer and time seems almost to slow down. Try to focus on experiences you’ve had here that have been rewarding, and you might find the time actually passes more quickly.

Is this degree worth?

Is this degree worth?
Is this degree worth?

If you mean in terms of earning power, yes. 2017 median household annual income of a householder with a college degree was about $92k, while median annual household income of householder with HS degree was about $45k. (BC Access only: If you mean intrinsic worth, that’s harder to judge, but in the mind of this library wall, more knowledge is always worth more than less knowledge, even if acquiring it is sometimes painful & expensive.

How do I make it to front office?

How do I make it to front office?
How do I make it to front office?

Do you mean career-wise, or are you looking for a location at BC? At BC, the front office for prospective students is Admissions, in Devlin Hall. For current students & staff, the front office is Lyons Hall. In a career, it depends on your career path and industry. Start by making an appointment with the Career Center:

How to get into Harvard?

How to get into Harvard?
How to get into Harvard?

Ummm. Walk through the gates? Sorry, I am friends with many of the walls at Harvard but not so much with the gates. My info is more about keeping people out of Harvard. If you are asking how to be admitted to Harvard, the answer is excellent grades, great references and some unique life experiences.

I originally wanted to study abroad but everyone says you have your whole life o travel and only 4 years of college

I originally wanted to study abroad but everyone says you have your whole life o travel and only 4 years of college. I want to relish in life here -- what do I do?
I originally wanted to study abroad but everyone says you have your whole life o travel and only 4 years of college. I want to relish in life here — what do I do?

Tough decision, but, in general, it is easier to spend a significant period of time abroad during college than at any other time of your life. And it doesn’t have to be a full year; there are opportunities for a semester or just a few weeks, so you can still spend so much quality Heights time before you graduate. The Office of International Programs has some great questions to think it through:

LA or NYC?

LA or NYC?
LA or NYC?

Bus to NYC: $35.00/4 hours. Flight to LA: $600.00/6.5 hours. Likelihood that living in Boston means you know someone in: NYC: 80%, LA: 40%. And the walls are waaaaaay taller in NYC. Is my answer obvious yet? But LA has my full sympathy right now b/c fires. 🙁

How to write a good statement of purpose? plz help :'(

How to write a good statement of purpose? plz help :'(
How to write a good statement of purpose? plz help :'(

This depends a little on the context. If it’s for a job, usually you want to state your interests in terms of what they’re looking for. If it’s for a project proposal or a grant, the tone should usually be: Here’s what I’m proposing, and here’s why it serves your objectives as well. A good dating site profile is designed to make you look good…but also to be interesting to the people you’re interested in. Your statement of purpose should do that too.

HI I wasn’t called back for Hamlet auditions :(

HI I wasn't called back for Hamlet auditions :( So disappointed, I thought I was good. And I love this play.
HI I wasn’t called back for Hamlet auditions 🙁 So disappointed, I thought I was good. And I love this play.

Oh, sorry to hear that! I’m sure you were great. Casting decisions are mysterious; chances are good it wasn’t about you at all. Give yourself a little time to be disappointed, then go look for your next audition. The Wall is rooting for you.

How to be rich over 1 night?

How to be rich over 1 night?
How to be rich over 1 night?

It depends on how one defines “rich.” If you are thinking money, you may want to rethink your perception. Time Magazine explains “How Winning the Lottery Makes You Miserable:” And according to the National Endowment for Financial Education, 70% of the winners go bankrupt within five years: The people most satisfied in life have cultivated strong relationships with others. Look around, you may be richer than you thought!

How to connect my interests with something applicable and perhaps profitable in real life :( (literature, art, psychology, theatre)

How to connect my interests with something applicable and perhaps profitable in real life :( (literature, art, psychology, theatre)
How to connect my interests with something applicable and perhaps profitable in real life 🙁 (literature, art, psychology, theatre)

Fortunately, helping students figure out those questions is just what the BC Career Center does! Check them out at You may find yourself employed in a field not generally identified with your interests, but you may also find ways to incorporate them into your work.

How do I raise $10,000 for the Boston Marathon plz help (and how do I run 26.2 miles?)

How do I raise $10,000 for the Boston Marathon plz help (and how do I run 26.2 miles?)
How do I raise $10,000 for the Boston Marathon plz help (and how do I run 26.2 miles?)

According to the BAA website, the minimum requirement is $5000 to run for one of the official charities. You need to contact the charity directly for details and more info; here’s the page that lists all of them: As to your own physical training, make a plan and stick to it. Here’s one from the BAA website: And one from Runner’s World: A worthy endeavor–all the best!

I dropped pre-med to relieve myself of a burden I didn’t even want, but now I feel like a failure. How do I find another path in life or a new passion?

I dropped pre-med to relieve myself of a burden I didn't even want, but now I feel like a failure. How do I find another path in life or a new passion?
I dropped pre-med to relieve myself of a burden I didn’t even want, but now I feel like a failure. How do I find another path in life or a new passion?

Dropping something that feels like a burden is not failure, it’s making a choice. There are lots of ways to have a happy life. If you’ve had a single goal (even one you didn’t want) for a long time, it may take a while to get out of that mode. That’s OK. Practically speaking, it’s not a bad idea to stop by BC’s Career Center–I can guarantee you’re not the only student they’ve talked to who’s made a similar choice. Be kind to yourself, and listen to what you enjoy, to what you do for its own sake. That’s where new passions tend to hide.

I am so stressful about job application and networking process. Feeling a bit depressed… What should I do? :(

I am so stressful about job application and networking process. Feeling a bit depressed... What should I do? :(
I am so stressful about job application and networking process. Feeling a bit depressed… What should I do? 🙁

Don’t go it alone. I suggest checking in with the lovely folks at the Career Center (, attending some of their events and meeting with their career coaches. If you find the stress overwhelming, it might be good to meet with someone at Counseling Services ( to talk through your concerns for the future. Best wishes!