How can I get laid on Valentine’s Day?

How can I get laid on Valentine's Day?
How can I get laid on Valentine’s Day?

I can think of many options, but most of them involve sacrificing your dignity or lying, so that’s the challenge, isn’t it: how to get this to happen discreetly & honestly. I hear chocolates & flowers sometimes help. Something to keep in mind, too, is that it’s not like the day is magical or anything, and was originally about an entirely different kind of love. IOW, no shame in experiencing other kinds of love on Valentine’s Day.

with consent
with consent

Yes, that is certainly a key element in the process.

how many christmas trees is too many?

how many christmas trees is too many?
how many christmas trees is too many?

Personal taste is, well, personal. So, the answer depends on the person. In general, something is overdone when the original intent is lost due to an overwhelming implementation. When you can’t see the Christmas tree for the forest of trees, then maybe it’s a little much.

What should I get my mom for Christmas?

What should I get my mom for Christmas?
What should I get my mom for Christmas?

The Wall likes that you’re thinking about your mom. If she’s someone who doesn’t need (or want) any stuff, how about an experience — a gift certificate to a tea house, or the fun local brunch place? If she’s sporty — tickets to a sporting event. Or concert tickets (The Rolling Stones are going on tour). Or a membership to a local museum. Giving in her honor to a charity is another option, for example: Heifer Project International ( If you prefer to go the traditional route, my helpers tell me that cashmere is always a winner.

Is [name redacted] a Goblin or a Ghoul?

Is [name redacted] a Goblin or a Ghoul?
Is [name redacted] a Goblin or a Ghoul?

It depends. Are they a) a malevolent, demonic, small ugly creature who causes harm and mischief, or are they b) an undead being who frequents graveyards and eats human flesh? (a = goblin, b=ghoul). We have the Greeks to thank for goblins (“kobalus” meant “knave” or “rogue”) and the Arabs to thank for ghouls. Goblins have populated the European imagination for at least a millenium; ghouls are a more recent addition that came with the translation of 1,001 Nights into French in the 19th Century.  For more spooky etymologies, see the Oxford English Dictionary (BC only):

Where can we go for a one day road trip?

Where can we go for a one day road trip?
Where can we go for a one day road trip?

We are well situated for day trips! Even NYC or Montreal are arguably do-able in a (long, exhausting) day. Closer to home, I’d recommend: the coast of Maine including Portland and one of the beaches within an easy drive; the Berkshires for some art, music, theater or dance; or Mystic Seaport if you like ships and history. Or try some of the quirkier trips suggested here:… Beer Can Museum?

Why no Presidents’ Day off?

Why no Presidents' Day off?
Why no Presidents’ Day off?

Every school is a little different about which holidays are days off. Colleges and universities have to fit a certain amount of classroom time into each semester to keep their accreditation, and it’s a balancing act. Lots of schools don’t get Good Friday off, which we do.

Happy Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine's Day
Happy Valentine’s Day

I love all the love you students give a wall! Happy Valentine’s Day to you, too Check out the Education Resource Center (in Campion) in the TT900 .V34 range for all kinds of Valentine’s Day craft ideas….