What’s the most peaceful, painless, yet efficient way (or perhaps, highest success rate) to suicide? Also, is suicide a sin?

What's the most peaceful, painless, yet efficient way (or perhaps, highest success rate) to suicide? Also, is suicide a sin? --No, I'm not trying to provoke the behavior I'm just curious. Can you give concrete/specific info?
What’s the most peaceful, painless, yet efficient way (or perhaps, highest success rate) to suicide? Also, is suicide a sin? –No, I’m not trying to provoke the behavior I’m just curious. Can you give concrete/specific info?

Anyone at BC in a crisis always has someone they can talk to, such as the PEC at university counseling (call health services at 617-552-3225 and ask to talk to the PEC) or at the National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255. I cannot give concrete, specific info about medical problems; I am a library wall, and librarians are duty-bound to provide resources, not medical advice. You can search our catalog for “suicide” and find a lot of material on the subject. Regarding sin, for Catholic doctrine, search with the subject heading “Bioethics — Religious aspects Catholic Church,” which covers a number of different areas such as euthanasia and suicide.

How do I know if a racoon attacked me on Dec 1st?

How do I know if a racoon attacked me on Dec 1st?
How do I know if a racoon attacked me on Dec 1st?

Think back to December 1st. Did a you get attacked by an animal on that day? If yes, was that animal raccoon-like? If yes, was that animal a raccoon? There you are. In all seriousness, if you did get bitten/scratched by a wild animal and you’re not sure what kind of animal it was, you should probably go to a doctor to have them check it out. There are a lot of nasty diseases out there.

Why did they turn the fans off in the plex? And they don’t open the door for air anymore. It’s 100 degrees & SUFFOCATING even in the winter.

Why did they turn the fans off in the plex? And they don't open the door for air anymore. It's 100 degrees & SUFFOCATING even in the winter.
Why did they turn the fans off in the plex? And they don’t open the door for air anymore. It’s 100 degrees & SUFFOCATING even in the winter.

Terry Gilman (Plex Facilities Mgr.) tells me they work hard to maintain the “ideal” temperature of about 72F; it’s hard in an aging building. They can’t open doors if it’s below 65F, because the heating system will crank up. Fans are put in place in warmer months. The spin room and multipurpose room have ac; the main gym does not, but they will open the big doors when it gets to 65-70F.

While I greatly appreciate the empathetic answers this wall and the librarians provide, I’m not looking for emotional support

While I greatly appreciate the empathetic answers this wall and the librarians provide, I'm not looking for emotional support -- I'd really appreciate if I could get the data and policy clarification for the questions! (Especially these that the administrate team don't always give/tell you). P.S. Thx! I know the Dean of Students Office contact info. Can u post the answer directly?
While I greatly appreciate the empathetic answers this wall and the librarians provide, I’m not looking for emotional support — I’d really appreciate if I could get the data and policy clarification for the questions! (Especially these that the administrate team don’t always give/tell you). P.S. Thx! I know the Dean of Students Office contact info. Can u post the answer directly?
But I really want to know the number of how many students are bieng section 12 in the past few years. --Just out of curiosity. I'm not trying to annoy you!! BTW, In case you're interested in the nation's average numbers.... AUCCCD's survey report is helpful (I'm just curious about BC's data!!!!)
But I really want to know the number of how many students are bieng section 12 in the past few years. –Just out of curiosity. I’m not trying to annoy you!! BTW, In case you’re interested in the nation’s average numbers…. AUCCCD’s survey report is helpful (I’m just curious about BC’s data!!!!)

UCS has responded about Section 12 #’s: “We do not have a number of people who have been involuntarily committed to a psychiatric hospital (section12), so I cannot provide that. You are correct to say that it is quite low. Most people who go to a hospitalization do so collaboratively rather than involuntarily.”

Why is that ppl not only put medical history, but also things like previous DCF involvement on the pink-paper when they sectioned12 you?

Why is that ppl not only put medical history, but also things like previous DCF involvement on the pink-paper when they sectioned12 you? And why is that the hospital social worker has to ask that info in front of your parents (like they always LOVE to ask about family situation in front of parents since your childhood). Don't they know this creates a LOT OF drama and can be hurtful???
Why is that ppl not only put medical history, but also things like previous DCF involvement on the pink-paper when they sectioned12 you? And why is that the hospital social worker has to ask that info in front of your parents (like they always LOVE to ask about family situation in front of parents since your childhood). Don’t they know this creates a LOT OF drama and can be hurtful???

Yes, I agree, that seems like it would be a difficult situation, and I’m sorry you (or someone you know) had to go through it. It sounds like your complaint is with the hospital staff, so I recommend addressing them.

Dear Library Wall & the offices that answered the questions: Thank you for the great answers to the questions. To be fair, I do think BC has a pretty great support system for students and the UCS is pretty professional and helpful to students.

Dear Library Wall & the offices that answered the questions: Thank you for the great answers to the questions. To be fair, I do think BC has a pretty great support system for students and the UCS is pretty professional and helpful to students. I do know ppl @ UCS work really hard, and students usually have good experience there. So... just want to say that students in need can really benefit from asking for help. Hopefully the questions posted previously don't scare anyone away! I'm not trying to cause you trouble. :)
Dear Library Wall & the offices that answered the questions: Thank you for the great answers to the questions. To be fair, I do think BC has a pretty great support system for students and the UCS is pretty professional and helpful to students. I do know ppl @ UCS work really hard, and students usually have good experience there. So… just want to say that students in need can really benefit from asking for help. Hopefully the questions posted previously don’t scare anyone away! I’m not trying to cause you trouble. 🙂

Thank you, it’s good to hear these answers are helping. And I agree, UCS and the Dean of Students office are full of professionals who really care about students’ welfare.

Will you be able to get the number of students who are section 12 in the past, say 5 yrs? And if they can request hospital?

Will you be able to get the number of students who are section 12 in the past, say 5 yrs? And if they can request hospital? Or do I have to contact the Dean of Students Office, as most of ur previous answer suggested? How can I not be scared of reaching out?
Will you be able to get the number of students who are section 12 in the past, say 5 yrs? And if they can request hospital? Or do I have to contact the Dean of Students Office, as most of ur previous answer suggested? How can I not be scared of reaching out?

It sounds like what you need is assurance that you won’t lose control over decision-making in the process of healing. Those numbers may or may not provide that assurance for you, even if they’re quite low. I do recommend you contact the Dean of Students office for your questions about policies & how you might be affected.

How do you find hope? How do you make sure hope doesn’t hurt you more?

How do you find hope? How do you make sure hope doesn't hurt you more? I am really trying my best!!!!
How do you find hope? How do you make sure hope doesn’t hurt you more? I am really trying my best!!!!

I can tell you’re trying your best. I admire your persistence. In fact, your persistence is inspiring and has given at least one of my assistants the courage to work through some of their own difficulties. So it doesn’t seem from my perspective like hope is what’s missing. Maybe it’s trust? When you fear that trust could be betrayed, it’s hard to take a risk. But you’ve also already demonstrated your courage in sharing as much as you have here. You really are hopeful & courageous, so I believe you have the capacity to keep trying until you heal.

Will parents be notified for student’s suicide attempt?

Will parents be notified for student's suicide attempt? (Even if when the student claims it's not an attempt?) --hypothetically speaking
Will parents be notified for student’s suicide attempt? (Even if when the student claims it’s not an attempt?) –hypothetically speaking

I’m sorry you were in such distress that you harmed yourself. As you’ve noted, it’s more common to do that than most people know. I recommend calling the Dean of Students office; you can say the Wall sent you. (Remember, a phone call can still be anonymous.) Tell them your concerns about HIPAA, parental notification, and the consequences of disclosing, like section 12 & mandated leave. Suggest what they can do that will help you trust the process. “Please contact Caroline Davis, Associate Dean for Student Outreach & Support at caroline.davis.2@bc.edu, 617-552-3470 or by stopping by 448 Maloney Hall to schedule an appointment.”

Any suggestions for lots of GAS

Any suggestions for lots of GAS
Any suggestions for lots of GAS

If you mean leaking natural gas pipes or appliances, definitely get them repaired. Natural gas in high concentrations can be toxic and explosive, and incidentally includes methane, a potent greenhouse gas. If you mean in your digestive tract, here are some suggestions from Mayo Clinic: bit.ly/mayo-gas.

According to the Dean of Students Office’s email communication, students may not attend classes, activities, or be presented at residence hall after hospital discharge until they clear the record w/PEC and AOC.

According to the Dean of Students Office's email communication, students may not attend classes, activities, or be presented at residence hall after hospital discharge until they clear the record w/PEC and AOC. (Yeah, it's not LOA but they are still banned from campus.) As previous mentioned, U Maryland students campaigned against similar policy last year. I'm just curious as don't you feel this policy potentially sends the message that's stigmatizing/punitive toward mental health resource/support-seeking?
According to the Dean of Students Office’s email communication, students may not attend classes, activities, or be presented at residence hall after hospital discharge until they clear the record w/PEC and AOC. (Yeah, it’s not LOA but they are still banned from campus.) As previous mentioned, U Maryland students campaigned against similar policy last year. I’m just curious as don’t you feel this policy potentially sends the message that’s stigmatizing/punitive toward mental health resource/support-seeking?

I’m sorry; I clearly misunderstood the question. I’m willing to bet there would be less opportunity for confusion about policy issues if you were to reach out directly to the Dean of Students office: Please contact Caroline Davis, Associate Dean for Student Outreach & Support at caroline.davis.2@bc.edu, 617-552-3470 or by stopping by 448 Maloney Hall to schedule an appointment.

Will BC notify parents if a student is hospitalized?

Will BC notify parents if a student is hospitalized? (In the case if the parents are not listed as the emergency contact). Isn't this information supposed to be protected under HIPPA? Does that mean that UCS, Dean of Students or other administrative teams won't/can't/shouldn't notify parents at all, unless they have a ROI form signed?
Will BC notify parents if a student is hospitalized? (In the case if the parents are not listed as the emergency contact). Isn’t this information supposed to be protected under HIPPA? Does that mean that UCS, Dean of Students or other administrative teams won’t/can’t/shouldn’t notify parents at all, unless they have a ROI form signed?

I’ve had my assistants reach out to UCS and the Dean of Students office for an answer, but I recommend you call the Dean of Students office directly, since you have a number of related policy questions you need answered. “Please contact Caroline Davis, Associate Dean for Student Outreach & Support at caroline.davis.2@bc.edu, 617-552-3470 or by stopping by 448 Maloney Hall to schedule an appointment.”

Question for UCS/Dean of Students office (or whoever you think is appropriate): Next time, can you make sure to let the student know that BC won’t overuse the involuntary LOA policy, and that hospitalization is not meant to be punitive to the best possible?

Question for UCS/Dean of Students office (or whoever you think is appropriate): Next time, can you make sure to let the student know that BC won't overuse the involuntary LOA policy, and that hospitalization is not meant to be punitive to the best possible? Cuz the university policy on the website wasn't very clear or helpful at the moment. It's very scary that the nurses and doctor at the hospital use that to scare you--such as telling you not to argue for outdoor fresh air time, or to take whatever medication or treatment suggested (Or school won't let you back, as they said.) I think the treatment works better when it doesn't come as a threat.
Question for UCS/Dean of Students office (or whoever you think is appropriate): Next time, can you make sure to let the student know that BC won’t overuse the involuntary LOA policy, and that hospitalization is not meant to be punitive to the best possible? Cuz the university policy on the website wasn’t very clear or helpful at the moment. It’s very scary that the nurses and doctor at the hospital use that to scare you–such as telling you not to argue for outdoor fresh air time, or to take whatever medication or treatment suggested (Or school won’t let you back, as they said.) I think the treatment works better when it doesn’t come as a threat.

That does seem like a way that could risk damaging a patient’s trust & confidence. I’m sorry that happened. Please reach out to the Dean of Students office. I’m sure they would be interested to hear about your experiences, and would be attentive and compassionate. Here is the contact invitation in response to another post: “Please contact Caroline Davis, Associate Dean for Student Outreach & Support at caroline.davis.2@bc.edu, 617-552-3470 or by stopping by 448 Maloney Hall to schedule an appointment.”

I’m NOT the wall, but you know….. this question about the tree falling always makes me wonder

I'm NOT the wall, but you know..... this question about the tree falling always makes me wonder: If a child is abused but no one sees that or believes in the child, then is that suffering really validated? how much effort will the child need to put into, to understand she's hurt & it's not her fault, but she has to learn to heal?
I’m NOT the wall, but you know….. this question about the tree falling always makes me wonder: If a child is abused but no one sees that or believes in the child, then is that suffering really validated? how much effort will the child need to put into, to understand she’s hurt & it’s not her fault, but she has to learn to heal?

?Yes, so true. It takes so much effort and time to recover from childhood abuse, especially if the victim is surrounded by people who either don’t validate the reality or worse, actively deny it. Finding compassionate people who do believe the victim’s recollections can help them regain confidence in their own perceptions. Therapy can help a person nurture an adult perspective in which the harmed child is recalled with love and respect as a hero who created coping methods that helped them survive. The adult can then set those childhood coping methods aside, because the threat is in the past. Individual experience with the effort involved with healing varies a lot, but it’s always worth it. I believe you can do it.

Just FYI, approximately 17%~35% of college students engage in Non Suicidal Self-Injury behavior.

Just FYI, approximately 17%~35% of college students engage in Non Suicidal Self-Injury behavior. (At least that's the data I found on Mental Health America._ So I'm not sure if u want to recommend ALL those students to go to hospital, as your previous post says. We probably should think about some better, more efficient, and less traumatizing resources.
Just FYI, approximately 17%~35% of college students engage in Non Suicidal Self-Injury behavior. (At least that’s the data I found on Mental Health America._ So I’m not sure if u want to recommend ALL those students to go to hospital, as your previous post says. We probably should think about some better, more efficient, and less traumatizing resources.

It sounds from other responses as if the Dean’s office would be interested in hearing what you have to say about less traumatizing options. Please reach out to them. This wall (and librarians who help answer it) are not equipped to give medical or medical policy advice. However, library staff *are* equipped to evaluate sources. If you click through to the sources for those figures, you’ll find that the lower % was established by a non-random internet survey, and asked about lifetime harm; it is both a low standard for evidence, and not necessarily about behavior during college years. The higher % was a very small sample (159) of a wide range of ages in UG classes at U. Mass Boston, and was intended as an instrument validation study for the Deliberate Self Harm Inventory (DSHI). Researchers caution that the results should not be used to estimate population prevalence for self-harm behaviors. If you are interested in further uses of the DSHI, I recommend searching for it in the PsycInfo database and selecting “test and measure” in the search drop-down menu.

I texted Lean on Me and they never responded. Why??? ?

I texted Lean on Me and they never responded. Why??? ?
I texted Lean on Me and they never responded. Why??? ?

I’m so sorry to hear that Lean on Me did not respond by the time you wrote this – I hope that they eventually did. If not, I think it’s important that you provide that feedback to them at team@lean0n.me (with a zero for an O). Please continue looking for resources out there when you need someone to talk to, like Crisis Text Line. And remember that you don’t need to be suicidal to utilize a crisis line. As they say “if it’s a crisis to you, it’s a crisis to us.” crisistextline.org/texting-in

I want to live but how can I fight suicidality?!!!!!?

I want to live but how can i fight suicidality?!!!!!? Any Ideas.... (Besides going to UCS, hotline, hospital, BCPD, or books?) -- I'm not in immediate risk, don't panick!
I want to live but how can i fight suicidality?!!!!!? Any Ideas…. (Besides going to UCS, hotline, hospital, BCPD, or books?) — I’m not in immediate risk, don’t panick!

I want you to live, too! I even want you to thrive. But I don’t really have the capacity to help those things happen other than to say that I care about you. The offices & phone numbers you list are exactly what I would tell you to try; that’s all I know to do, because I’m not a medical professional. If you’re concerned that those routes wouldn’t help, all I can say is you’re worth the effort of trying. If you’re concerned that they might hurt (by, say, triggering a mandatory leave), please read the responses from the Dean of Students office; I think their answers may allay your fears.

How can I go Super Saiyan or go Ultra Instinct?

How can I go Super Saiyen on go Ultra Instinct? I am too fat my doctor and nutritionist told me :(
How can I go Super Saiyan or go Ultra Instinct? I am too fat my doctor and nutritionist told me 🙁

As with any impressive physical feat, Super Saiyan and Ultra Instinct require a lot of training and dedication. Goku didn’t go SS overnight – he trained for his entire life up to that point (and after it’s worth noting). It helps to have a strong motivator to keep up the training (like the rivalry with Vegeta or an existential threat in Frieza). Just like Goku, I recommend starting small with some easy diet changes and incorporating exercise into your routine. Exercise classes can be useful because they will give you a social network to keep you coming back and teach you good technique.

If someone is hospitalized over the break by private therapist but not UCS, does that student still have to go through the re-entry meeting and follow-up with the Dean of Student’s office?

If someone is hospitalized over the break by private therapist but not UCS, does that student still have to go through the re-entry meeting and follow-up with the Dean of Student's office?
If someone is hospitalized over the break by private therapist but not UCS, does that student still have to go through the re-entry meeting and follow-up with the Dean of Student’s office? — Hypothetically speaking…… this did NOT happen as far as I know. 🙂

Please check the policy noted in the reply from the Dean of Students office: bit.ly/BC-inv-LOA. It looks as if re-entry procedures are triggered only if there has been a leave of absence. However, I am only interpreting policy as a third party, and don’t actually have the authority to provide a definitive answer. Please contact the Dean of Students office to clarify this policy for you.