What is the worst mental breakdown you’ve ever seen in O’Neill?

What is the worst mental breakdown you've ever seen in O'Neill?
What is the worst mental breakdown you’ve ever seen in O’Neill?

Hanging out here in O’Neill day in, day out, midterms and exam weeks, I’ve seen some serious distress, for sure. There’s no denying college stress can get to you. There are lots of ways we can help to alleviate some of that, with everything from therapy dogs to referrals to the Connors Family Learning Center for academic coaching, or the Counseling Center for guidance. I hope people know they can ask for help, and maybe avoid a breakdown.

I don’t know why I constantly worry about having cancer – Ugh sometimes I’m pretty sure “no you don’t” sometimes I’m like “should I go check” or “is this JUST my worry”. This may sounds ridiculous but the worry is SO REAL

I don't know why I constantly worry about having cancer - Ugh sometimes I'm pretty sure "no you don't" sometimes I'm like "should I go check" or "is this JUST my worry". This may sounds ridiculous but the worry is SO REAL </3 PLEASE ADVISE!
I don’t know why I constantly worry about having cancer – Ugh sometimes I’m pretty sure “no you don’t” sometimes I’m like “should I go check” or “is this JUST my worry”. This may sounds ridiculous but the worry is SO REAL </3

This is an excellent topic to discuss with medical professionals. Openly discuss your fears with your primary care doctor, particularly if you have specific symptoms that you are concerned about or if these thoughts were prompted by a family history of cancer. And, if anxiety about this topic is recurring frequently and/or interfering with other aspects of your life, consider visiting counseling services: bit.ly/BC-counseling. They will be able to help you to come up with strategies for dealing with this recurring worry.

Do we pay to have therapy dogs come or do they volunteer their time in exchange for pets alone?

Do we pay to have therapy dogs come or do they volunteer their time in exchange for pets alone?
Do we pay to have therapy dogs come or do they volunteer their time in exchange for pets alone?

BC Libraries does not pay to have the therapy dogs here at the library, although we do provide their owners with a parking pass. The dogs and their owners all volunteer their time, either through Therapy Dogs International or through Dog B.O.N.E.S. They are the best, aren’t they?!

Now I see why people drop out of college

Now I see why people drop out of college

Did you write this because you are feeling stressed about end-of-semester assignments and exams? This time can feel very overwhelming, but there are many people available to help you through this (instructors, friends, advisors, and Univ. Counseling) Just remember that while a few people drop out of BC, the vast majority do eventually finish their programs, and I suspect that vast majority felt stressed and overwhelmed at times too.

Why am I a failure?

Why am I a failure?
Why am I a failure?

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” This apocryphal quote, often mis-attributed to Albert Einstein, illustrates that everyone is good at something, they just need to find the thing that suits them best. Everyone fails repeatedly; the most important thing is to get back up and keep trying to find what you’re good at. Being in college is all about figuring out what makes you happy, what you’re passionate about, and what you can do to make that your life’s work. You’re not a failure, you’re just still finding your calling.

Why can’t I go home <--same

Why can't I go home <--same
Why can’t I go home <–same

Thomas Wolfe had some thoughts on this exact question, although his story is a little funny. He wrote actual people from his hometown of Asheville, NC into his first book, Look Homeward, Angel (PS3545.O337 L6 1934). The townsfolk were angry at their depiction, so he left them out of his second book, Of Time and the River (PS3545.O33 O3x 1944). Being left out angered them even further, so he wrote You Can’t Go Home Again (PS3545.O337 Y6). Long story short: you may return to where you grew up, but as you mature and make your own path, you’ll find yourself making a new home.

How to organically foster self-love?

How to organically foster self-love?
How to organically foster self-love?

Love others. Note down daily what you’re grateful for. Be around other people a lot. When you’re angry or impatient with yourself, ask yourself whether you’d treat someone else so harshly. Give yourself as many second chances as it takes. Be part of something bigger than yourself. Read this short anecdote by Neil Gaiman about how universally human it is to fail to recognize your own successes: bit.ly/neil-gaiman-imposter.

Why do some people think weed is bad?

Why do some people think weed is bad?
Why do some people think weed is bad?

Marijuana contains a psychoactive chemical that alters how the user perceives the world. Some people may not like how marijuana affects a user’s behavior, or they may fear that use will escalate to more addictive substances. Regardless of how valid or subjective these concerns are, people will always have opinions about any substance that alters the user’s behavior. Scientific research has been difficult due to federal regulations, but now that marijuana is legal in more areas, we should expect to see more facts and fewer opinions on the matter.

Why do all good things have to end?

Why do all good things have to end?
Why do all good things have to end?

So that you can appreciate them while they exist. Everything ends eventually, and it is a fundamental part of the human experience to mourn the loss of good things and celebrate the end of bad. If you’re feeling sad about something in particular, know that there will be other things – experiences, people, events – that will come along. If you’re having trouble processing the loss of something deeply loved by you, you can always seek help from BC Counseling services:  bit.ly/BC-counseling. Otherwise, just know that this too will pass.

Why can’t I have boyfriend? Am I that ugly?

Why can't I have boyfriend? Am I that ugly?
Why can’t I have boyfriend? Am I that ugly?

Everyone is beautiful. And everyone is unique. You just need to find someone that’s your kind of unique. Patience is key here. If you’re having trouble meeting people you’re interested in and that are interested in you, try joining student groups. Meetups around Boston (meetup.com) can also help you find people with similar interests and break you out of the BC sphere. Keep searching! Everyone is beautiful and deserves to be treated as such.

If I get STD tested at BC will they bill my insurance?

If I get STD tested at BC will they bill my insurance?
If I get STD tested at BC will they bill my insurance?

One of my helpers had a chat with UHS; they can bill your insurance if you want, or you can self-pay with a credit card. If you pay by credit card, it gets listed as something fairly unspecific, like “lab tests”, if that is the concern, Again, if that’s the concern, and you go through insurance, it depends on what you (and your parents, possibly) have set up – you might want to call the insurance company directly. You can also speak to UHS (2-3225).