If you’re concerned about your physical or mental health in any way, it is usually a good idea to speak with a doctor, counselor, or other care professional. There are a number of services available at BC to connect you with someone you can talk to, even if it just for peace of mind (the worst that they can is that you’re fine)!
BC Health Services (https://bit.ly/BostonCollegeHealth)
BC Counseling Services (https://bit.ly/BCUCSOptions)
What’s the best cure for a concussion?
See a doctor, especially if you lost consciousness at all when you got it. Every case and every brain is different, but it will probably help to limit your exposure to things that make your brain work hard (light, noise, complex problem solving) for at least a few days. Here’s some detailed advice from the Mayo Clinic: https://mayocl.in/3Z83oxP. Hope you feel better soon.
How do I get past the anxiety of graduating soon?
It’s a big life change, so some anxiety is pretty normal. Don’t feel like you need to have your whole life figured out right now–the really great news is that you have the rest of your life to work on that. Congratulations! And good luck!
Hi! I am so sad.
I’m so sorry you’re sad. Please accept this virtual hug! If I had arms I’d give you a real one. I hope you have some friends with arms and ears who can listen and hug. If you find the sadness persisting intrusively or you can’t find someone who can listen, consider a student wellness coach: bit.ly/BC-wellness-coach.
When is Disease X coming…
It’s a placeholder name for planning purposes not an actual disease. Johns Hopkins has a good explainer on it. https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2024/what-is-disease-x
Can you please bring in-person therapy dogs back?!
I’m sorry to say therapy dog visits are on paws right now, but there are other ways to destress. Here are some furry & feathered staff pets and some online animal cams: library.bc.edu/virtual-pets-2021. And BC has peer wellness coaches, who I’m sure have a ton of ideas for de-stressing: bit.ly/BC-wellness-coach.
What is one thing you can do to keep yourself happy everyday?
One suggestion that I have seen many times is to jot down 5 things you feel grateful for each morning. Even when I am very sad, it is good to recognize there is much goodness around us.
Is it time to hit gym?
Yes! Great way to reduce stress and clear your mind as we approach the end of the semester. Pro tip: hot tub in the aquatics center after your work out.
How to get more than 5 hours of sleep and a boyfriend?
If you aren’t even getting 5 hours of sleep, that could be impeding your luck in finding a special someone. So, I’d advise addressing that first The Center for Student Wellness has many resources on improving sleep and you can also get individual wellness coaching.
When does college get easier/fun?
Anecdotally, fun seems to have peaks at the start of first year; junior year if it includes going abroad, and most of senior year, save for the anxiety about future plans and leaving friends. Sophomore year is notorious for being the least fun. If you are stressed out and not having any fun, the Center for Student Wellness (bit.ly/BCStudentWellness) has a variety of programs that can help you find balance in your life.
How can I have a social life, good sleep schedule, and good grades when I have a job & 3 tests in a row in a single day.❤ ps I don’t have time for counselors
Wow. That’s quite a lot. I wish I had the answers for you, and I really wish there were an easy and quick nugget of insight that would help. I will be thinking of you and all BC students as we head towards May. And, I know you said you don’t have time for counselors, but if that changes at all, here are links for the Connors Family Learning Center: bit.ly/BC-connors and BC’s counseling services: bit.ly/BC-counseling
How do we leave the library before 2:56am? plz help
The windows don’t open in O’Neill, so I think a door would work best.
I am finally regaining some internal peace during this break but school is starting again and I hate rushing around ?
Why not sign up to meet with a wellness coach from the Office of Health Promotion (bit.ly/BC-health-promo) to learn some techniques to recapture that lovely interrnal peace during these busier days?
Why are there so many pedophiles everywhere?!
Unfortunately, child sexual abuse is a thing which seems to happen almost everywhere adults are in positions of authority or influence over children. Big organizations like the Boy Scouts and the Catholic Church can have very big problems with it, particularly if they try to conceal it. Here’s a study that takes a look at what we know and talks about how hard it is to know exactly how frequent it is: https://bit.ly/bc-csa
Hey Wall! Do you have any advice on school, stress, and covid?
Why not schedule a virtual check in with the Office of Health Promotion (http://bit.ly/BC-health-promo)? They’re experts in helping students with stress and health worries. The stresses won’t go away any time soon, but you can learn techniques to cope with them.
I wish that I have 48 hours in a day……
You’re not alone – but there are ways to make our puny little 24 hour days a bit less stressful. You can get help with this through Academic Coaching from the Connors Family Learning Center (bit.ly/BC-connors) or with self-guided material from the Office of Health Promotion (bit.ly/OHPTIME).
What is the best way to get and keep a good looking body (male) at home without buying anything?
Bodyweight exercises are one option available to all: http://bit.ly/bc-bw. Another would be putting some weight in a backpack and going for a walk: http://bit.ly/bc-ruck (that site will sell you stuff to do it, but you probably already have things that would work). Or, because I’m really not an expert in human physiology, you could talk to someone who is. The BC Rec Center has personal trainers who can help you set up a program that works for you: http://bit.ly/bc-recpt
Do people maintain there nature (for eg introvert, outgoing, gloomy) for the rest of their lives?
I would say a person’s nature can be influenced by a wide variety of factors. While someone may often be seen as gloomy, there can be someone or something that can change their demeanor for the better. Changes like this are just one example of why humans can be so fascinating.
Is it okay to Meow at your prof and therapist?
Also, can you not change my post to other colors, please? ❤️
Okay to meow at your prof and therapist? Only if you’re actually a cat. Sorry about messing with your palette, I’ll try not to!
Treadmills: Dear Wall, how did you deal with feelings of disorientation,
futility and existential dread when thinking about your future and your path in life when you were younger. gruezi and goodbye
Humans get different kinds of existential dread, but frequent causes seem to be fear that nothing will change from right now, that it’s too late to get started, and that nothing one does matters. Those are all false in different ways, but I’m not saying that to wave away how debilitating they are. Those feelings are real, and they have real effects. But they’re still false. It might help to talk to a therapist if the dread is long-lasting. It might help to talk to a career coach if you’re worried about that kind of thing. You asked about me. The library I’m part of was finished in 1983 and between then and a couple of years ago I was mostly doing wall stuff, before I got my break into answering questions. Give it time, it’ll be OK. Or at least it’ll be different. Warm wishes.