A helper told me there are some sweet chairs outside the bathrooms in Robsham. Take a break.
Answering questions at Boston College O’Neill Library
A helper told me there are some sweet chairs outside the bathrooms in Robsham. Take a break.
The latest we’ve heard is that it should reopen September 20th or early the following week. Which would be terrific, because my helpers keep going down to Level One and then hitting themselves in the head and muttering “d’oh!”
No fear – Soul, Love, and Meaning still exist at BC. I reached out to the lovely folks at the Arts Counsel and they said the next event is an open mic called Sunset SLAM!, Sept. 18, 7:30pm, McGuinn 121. You can contact the organizers at bostoncollegeslam@gmail.com
Oh, that’s very sad. I do hope someone gives your bike back! For now, did you know BC has a Bike Share program? Email bikebcinfo@bc.edu for more info – you’ll need to take a safety training before you can borrow one. Also, never feel bad about calling Eagle Escort – that’s what they’re for.
Climate Justice at Boston College (https://orgsync.com/123146/chapter) is the organization you’re looking for. Here is their history: climatejusticebc.com/who-we-are/cjbc-history. Bill McKibben talked here in April 2016 (bit.ly/heights-mckibben), but the BC divestment movement started before then as “BC Fossil Free” (bit.ly/heights-2013-fossil-free). I recommend heavy use of BC Heights (bcheights.com) and newspapers.bc.edu – search “divest”. Also try The Gavel (bcgavel.com).
Thanks for your kind words! I’ll pass them along to Student Affairs and to library staff.
These slips help staff shift collections that need to be compressed to facilitate a renovation of the 5th floor. Some titles are still growing (more volumes are being published) and we need to know which ones, so that appropriate room is left on the shelf. Make sure you check out the new user spaces in Fall 2020!
I marvel at human movement of all kinds, but especially movement coordinated with music to be expressive. UPrising brings together a lot of styles to do that. So, yes, I like your team. (Sorry about redacting names: it’s my policy.)
According to this 2017 article in The Heights (bit.ly/BCDiningProfit), “BC Dining has a break-even bottom line. It does not try to make a profit. If there is any surplus of money at the end of the year, it is used to improve dining facilities. ”
Montserrat says: “This year, the Athletics Department has revised how they will look to distribute tickets internally to their home games. As part of this, Athletics believes distributing physical tickets will better serve our Montserrat community, which mirrors how they distribute tickets to their student athletes. It is not our, or Athletics’, intention to exclude Montserrat students. This is purely a means of improving the system that allows us to provide free tickets to our students.”
Update 9/12/19: BC Police Officer Postell says, “I have personally checked the area, and found that the lights in which the individual may be speaking about are blue and in fact found within the interior or Stayer Hall. These lights and devices have no affiliation to the traditional emergency blue light call boxes strategically located around our campus. These devices are a proximity card reader for individuals with mobility disabilities who reside in this residence hall.”
Sorry! I’ll have my assistants look into that & try to get it changed.
Did you know we have a Boston College Tree Inventory? The data can be downloaded from our eScholarship institutional repository at http://hdl.handle.net/2345/3810. Unfortunately, they only identified this tree to the genus level, not species. It is a Picea, that is to say, a spruce of some sort.
UCS appreciates your feedback. They told me that photos will be going up on the staff page, but the university has a backlog on getting staff photos done at the moment, so it will take a little time. Hope to see all their faces soon! And wishing you a terrific start to the semester as well.
As far as I know, the only alternative at BC is the recording studio at the Center for Teaching Excellence; however, that’s dedicated to faculty & grad students developing instructional content. Check with the music department? bit.ly/bc-music-dept. Were you a guest of a Northeastern student, you might get access to their state-of-the-art sound-recording facilities in Snell Library.
Hours have changed since and most recent hours can be found at bit.ly/OISSHours
Original Answer: Monday 2pm-4pm, Tuesday 10am-12pm, Wednesday 2pm-4pm, Thursday 10am-12pm, and Friday 10am-12pm. And if those don’t work for you, call for an appointment at (617) 552-8005. For more info, see: bit.ly/OISSStuff.
This is totally library! As are our other 7 libraries: Bapst (arts), Theology and Ministry Library (TML) on the Brighton campus, Law on the Newton campus, Educational Resource Center (ERC) in Campion, Social Work Library in McGuinn, Burns (special collections and archives), and the Catherine O’Connor Library at Weston Observatory (seismology). Also, our online presence, library.bc.edu is very library.
Are you a student here? There’s nothing wrong with being in love with your school. Or are you applying now? Then I hope that you are accepted and can come show BC all the love. Or are you someone who likes to hang out on campus, but don’t attend or plan to attend? That’s great too. There are many opportunities for members of the larger community to experience the joy of BC and show BC their love!
The Dean of Students Office is responsible for the group; there is representation from across campus departments, including UHS, Residential Life, Campus Ministry, BCPD, University Counseling Services, Conduct Office, Office of Outreach and Support, the Provost’s office and others. Find more info at the website (bit.ly/BC-BET) or by contacting Caroline Davis at the Dean of Students office.
I’m so grateful I never have to leave campus and come back and find a spot. This summer, the parking situation is tighter than usual because of construction issues. One of my helpers tells me it is easy to find parking before 8 AM, if you can make that work into your schedule.