HUGE shoutout to the kind, sweet cleaning lady who works the night shift cleaning the upper floors.

HUGE shoutout to the kind, sweet cleaning lady who works the night shift cleaning the upper floors. She's honest and does a great job! Please tell her she's doing great! REWARD HER.
HUGE shoutout to the kind, sweet cleaning lady who works the night shift cleaning the upper floors. She’s honest and does a great job! Please tell her she’s doing great! REWARD HER.

That’s wonderful! But you should thank her yourself. And you know what’s even better… write an email to the Director of Custodial Services (Gerard Boyle, and tell him. That sort of action, not just here but everywhere you go in life, is valued by employees, and can have good repercussions.

Where is the warmest place to study on campus?

Where is the warmest place to study on campus?
Where is the warmest place to study on campus?

I asked one of my helpers, and she said that the vestibules as you enter Stokes N are both very toasty, and surprisingly nice places to sit and concentrate. The warmest place she’s found (she’s done a lot of research on this) is in the cloak room at the Burns Library, but it would be a terrible study space. Same for the warmest spot she’s found in O’Neill; the level 2 women’s restroom!`

Why is Prof. Crowley so weird? In a good way.

Why is Prof. Crowley so weird? In a good way.
Why is Prof. Crowley so weird? In a good way.

You see, being a library wall, I’ve come to know academics pretty well. They’re all a little… eccentric. A whole lot of specialized knowledge does that to you. One famous academic once referred to it as the “re-entry from orbit” problem ( You spend weeks or months or even years working on an intractable problem that few people in the world even know exists. It can be hard to return to everyday life. Does that answer the specific weirdness you’ve observed?

Why does BC have so many bathrooms?

Why does BC have so many bathrooms?
Why does BC have so many bathrooms?

The number of bathrooms does not seem excessive to me, given the number of people on campus – and there’s the problem that people all get out of class at the same time and have the same need. in fact, my niece, who is a Wall in the Level 2 women’s bathroom, says the crowds in there can get pretty bad during the times between classes – it makes her feel anxious.

How can I introduce design thinking…

How can I introduce design thinking to employees at BC while staying true to our Ignatian tradition?
How can I introduce design thinking to employees at BC while staying true to our Ignatian tradition?

To paraphrase a fruit-themed company’s public statements, design is not just how it looks, it’s how it works, and the effect on the people who use whatever it is you’re designing. This sounds a little like the Jesuit emphasis on forming the whole person: mind, body, and spirit.

I have been looking for a BC rifle gun club. … Does BC even have enough ‘courage’ to have one?

I have been looking for a BC rifle gun club. MIT and Harvard has a rifle team. Does BC even have enough 'courage' to have one?
I have been looking for a BC rifle gun club. MIT and Harvard has a rifle team. Does BC even have enough ‘courage’ to have one?

I don’t see a rifle and gun club listed in the current clubs at BC. But that doesn’t mean you can’t start one (! That’s not to say that there won’t be plenty of red tape, and you’ll likely have to find a way to store weapons off campus. I recommend talking to the Harvard and MIT clubs and getting insight on how they manage their operations before approaching BC. Good luck!

What percentage of BC alums get married?

What percentage of BC alums get married?
What percentage of BC alums get married?

Can I ask a clarification question? Do you mean what percentage of BC Alums ever get married to anyone? Or do you mean what percentage of BC alums constitute marriages where both partners are BC alums? Finally, married by what age? It’s likely that many alums are currently unmarried, but could get married next year, or in a few decades. I’m not sure I’ll be able to find an answer either way, but defining the question is a good first step.

How about do you think UCS can benefit from more staff?

How about do you think UCS can benefit from more staff? Do appreciate UCS for adding staff in the past few years.
How about do you think UCS can benefit from more staff? Do appreciate UCS for adding staff in the past few years.

UCS has a growing demand for service, as do counseling offices at colleges and universities all over the US, and has been, as you’re aware, adding staff to meet demand. Though they would likely benefit from more staff, there’s also a question of budget. At what point do administrators say: we really can’t afford to put more resources in that basket this year? I don’t know the answer to that question.

Why are there pieces of blue fabric in the walls of the elevator?

Why are there pieces of blue fabric in the walls of the elevator?
Why are there pieces of blue fabric in the walls of the elevator?

They’re there to protect the insides of the elevator from getting scratched and otherwise broken by the construction. We often need to move big tools or other equipment upstairs, and the elevator is the best way to do that. The blue fabric is dense and doesn’t tear easily, providing a protective barrier. The same is true for the blue sticky paper on the floor in some parts of the library.

I have always wanted to tour/see the inside of the Gasson Bell tower…

I have always wanted to tour/see the inside of the Gasson Bell tower. It's such an impressive structure. Answer Wall, you're amazing, so can you arrange this? :)
I have always wanted to tour/see the inside of the Gasson Bell tower. It’s such an impressive structure. Answer Wall, you’re amazing, so can you arrange this? 🙂

My cousin the bell tower, in spite of their frequent ringing, is mute on the subject of access. There’s a clue ( but it predates renovation. Here’s a bit of a virtual tour:, and another: I’ll see what else my assistants can find out & update you if there’s news.