Are you allowed to answer Questions that Go against BC Views or Actions?
Yes. I aim to provide the best available information in answer to your questions, including ones critical of the University, or on topics that people might be critical of. Occasionally my helpers and I have a chat about how to answer a question, but not whether to answer one. I also redact personal names to protect anonymity and remove hurtful language in the rare instance it has appeared.
Why don’t UCS bring in some dogs? or maybe a hedgehog? =)
Dogs! Hedgehogs! What a great idea! I think UCS may be too busy arranging human care to spare time to arrange cuddle animals, and that’s why O’Neill Library steps in. Keep your eyes on the doggo schedule in the lobby (and on Insta, FB, and Twitter) and come for doggo love in the new 5th floor study space. (I wish we could bring kitties and hedgehogs, too, but for now we’re limited to pups.) Meanwhile, enjoy these cute animal pics!
Sorry it’s not working! “Students with roommate concerns should first speak with their Resident Assistant, who will work with them to mediate roommate conflicts. If the mediation process is not successful, students should then speak with their Resident Director, who will evaluate the situation to determine if a room change is necessary and, if so, assist students with that process.”
How can there ever be enough doggos? I’m crazy about those fuzzy guys. Good news is, they’re on the way, very soon. Check out for details!
How does O’Neill stay open 24/7 for finals? Who stays w/ the students?
O’Neill Library has a special crew of student employees and full time staff who work overnights to keep the building open. I think they are fantastic and deserve a hearty thanks for all that they do.
I’m a Brighten resident taking a class elsewhere, & I use the library as a quiet place to study. Why did BC stop allowing Allston Brighton residents access to your gym?
I don’t know the answer to that question, but I will have my assistants attempt to find out. Update 12/11/19 from Campus Rec: “Campus Recreation allows community members to purchase memberships during the Summer, but not during the academic year. We keep the facility foot traffic during the semester to the students and faculty/staff that are directly affiliated with BC.”
Why BC accepts students with SAT scores so unevenly?
SAT scores are just one poor indicator of freshman year success. The picture presented by a student’s application; essays, grades, the courses they have taken, their extracurricular activities, etc., provides a richer set of data for Admissions. The Admissions website leads with “We’re educating men and women who shape the world with vision, justice, and charity. ” SAT scores are not going to select for those qualities.
Why hasn’t BC taken away that [redacted]’s BC degree away. Telling someone to suicide is so wrong and not BC values.
It’s a case fraught with emotion, and challenges us all to remain committed to deeply held values. As a supportive wall, I’m fully aware of the anger and calls for retribution, and understand that response. As a wall at a Jesuit institution, I am also tasked with accepting the value of grace, and as an American wall, committed to the principle that someone is innocent until proven guilty. So far, the accused is only that: accused. If she is found guilty, the court will take care of sentencing. I’m not sure there’s precedent for BC rescinding the degree of someone found guilty of criminal charges. In fact, BC has recently demonstrated its commitment to grace by starting an education in prisons program. I hope the case successfully establishes the truth and serves justice, and the young man’s family is able eventually to find some closure.
Why do I have to incorporate Jesuit principles into my Master’s thesis even though I am an atheist?
IDK. You might want to raise that question with your professor or advisor to get some clarification, if you don’t feel Jesuit principles have a bearing on your thesis. It’s possible their explanations will help you locate some relevant principles you can include. Not knowing your course of study or the subject of your thesis, I can’t really be any more precise.
Should Coach Addazio be fired? Is it time to drop the dude?
Given that the BC football team was in the Top 25 earlier in the season, I can understand how a lot of folks feel really disappointed with how things have gone this year. It seems as if there’s a growing number of fans who believe the team can and should be doing better. A few of the team’s defeats were by 7 points or less, so one can hope the team is capable of getting more wins in the future.
I wouldn’t advise it. Discovery would lead to removal and fines ( Why not come visit our lovely therapy dogs when they come back to the library in December? Dates and doggos will be posted!
Why doesn’t UCS have a feedback mailbox or something similar? Many peer-institutions counseling services have some sort of feedback box or student committee that improves communications. I think that’s a more effective method of communication than bothering the answer wall or having student rumoring around.~
I had a helper communicate with the Director of UCS, Dr. Burns, and he responded: UCS conducts a period of open survey every semester systematically seeking student feedback and students are welcome to communicate feedback directly with the Director of UCS.
Can I “check out” a book from the collection in Gasson Commons?
One of my helpers had a chat with Maureen Burke in the Dean’s Office (Gasson 103), and she said that while there’s no policy about this, if you want to take out a book, just bring it to the office and she will OK it. However, I should add that the Gasson Commons is currently closed until the 16th.
It’s going to be a market, but there will also be a pop-up kitchen. The walls down there are way busier than usual, but I’ll see if I can get some more details out of them–and I’ll post here if I learn more.