I miss the people from Student Affairs, especially the support service and counseling service people.

????? I’m grateful that they’re all still accessible, but I’m so sad that they’re not physically on campus. ? Weird…… a year ago I thought they were the most scary people on campus, but now I actually miss them.

At least one of my human assistants has found that therapists & counselors can seem scary because they help us confront and reconcile ourselves to parts of ourselves we’d rather leave hidden, even from ourselves. So, in the short run, though we might dread appointments, in the long run we come to recognize their necessity and our gratitude for their difficult work. Please let them know you miss them.

If every drop of tear worth one dollar, I would be a billionaire now ever since BC went online…… We should invent something that can generate power with tears ?, the environment will appreciate it!

I’m so sorry about your tears. Were I not a wall, I’d be dripping tears as well. My assistants have agreed, too: so many tears. So, so many tears: about fear, about sadness & grieving losses, about being separated from people, about the lack of hugs. Here’s a hug for you. I’m sorry it’s only virtual. ((((((((you)))))))))

What other pics would you like to see?

Shout out to the piece by piece workers who worked pass 1am last week when students moved. (And ResLife Staff who worked really hard) 🙂

boxes taped shut in residence hall hallway

Shout out to everybody working hard right now, and to everybody who’s still feeling a little wobbly. I’d love to see some pictures of other walls in your life. And I’m curious how the Million Dollar Steps are holding up.



I’m sad for your class., and I’ll miss you. You’ll certainly have stories for your grandchildren, like those who lived through polio quarantines & closings in the 1950’s.

I will miss the O’Neill Library so much.

I will miss the O'Neill Library so much. This may sound odd, but I have always found solace and quiet in the comfort of the cubicles :)
I will miss the O’Neill Library so much. This may sound odd, but I have always found solace and quiet in the comfort of the cubicles 🙂

I totally get you. This is my home and I understand why it feels like a home to you, too. Stay well and come back when you can!

hm…… and ppl start partying?

hm...... and ppl start partying? no in-person class but yes party??
hm…… and ppl start partying? no in-person class but yes party??

Everyone processes things differently. For seniors, this is their last chance to have fun and blow off steam before entering the “real world”. But seriously, the University can’t require that students be gone from their dorms with less then 24 hours notice – that would be cruel to those that will already struggle to find housing and/or transportation. Some students don’t have to worry about these things and suddenly find themselves with plenty of free time and the need to blow off some steam. Thus, partying.

Why is BC SLOW at responding to CRISIS?!

Why is BC SLOW at responding to CRISIS?!
Why is BC SLOW at responding to CRISIS?!

BC is a conservative institution (not necessarily in the political sense, but in the adaptability sense). It is the nature of conservative (again, not necessarily in the political sense) institutions to be slow. They follow rather than lead, they look to what other institutions are doing first and copy them only when that change is deemed necessary. That is a function of the leadership/institutional culture at the top. Sometimes that works to their advantage, but it is not an ideal leadership style in crisis situations. I will say that opinions about the quality and nature of the administration’s decision-making process vary significantly from person to person amongst BC faculty and staff as well.

Will I get closure?

Will I get closure? Asking for class 2020
Will I get closure? Asking for class 2020

BC is a tight community, even among grads, so I’m sure you will get some closure, but you may have to augment the solutions BC is able to create in these circumstances. Perhaps you will be able to gather a group of BC friends in your region after the worst of the pandemic passes. Or maybe you can gather with friends online in some way if waiting until post-crisis will be too long. Keep an eye on bc.edu/commencement. I’m sure they’re working hard on new plans, and will post updates as they can.

Make the most out of every second!

Make the most out of every second! Class of 2020, we made it!
Make the most out of every second! Class of 2020, we made it!

You did! You’ll have had a strange and abrupt end to your senior year, but you’ll still have all memories and learning and friendships that came before. Class of 2020, The Answer Wall salutes you and wishes you a brilliant future.

Why do we have to leave? :(

Why do we have to leave? :( (asking for a senior)
Why do we have to leave? 🙁 (asking for a senior)

It’s very sad, especially for you seniors. It’s been decided this is the best way to protect the health of the most people, and we’re all going to be missing out on some things for the good of all. I will miss you – please come back and visit if you can when the danger has passed.