Why are parking permits so expensive?!? There is no way I could afford one.

Why are parking permits so expensive?!? There is no way I could afford one.
Why are parking permits so expensive?!? There is no way I could afford one.

According to the Wall’s friends at Parking and Transportation, it’s mostly two things. The first is lack of space on campus, which creates a lot more demand than supply. The second is more subtle: prices are partly high to encourage people who can to use other ways to get to campus, like the campus bus system, public transit, bikes, or feet–that makes for a greener campus, a healthier community…but it also helps with the first issue. The walls at T & P are sympathetic, as is this Wall.

Where can I find people that are into acting, performing and showbusiness on campus?

Where can I find people that are into acting, performing and showbusiness on campus?
Where can I find people that are into acting, performing and showbusiness on campus?

Join a student group! BC is fortunate to have a ton of great student groups that you can connect with, including groups on everything from acting (Dramatics Society) to musical theater (Musical Theatre Wing) to the oldest collegiate improv group in the country (My Mother’s Fleabag). Check out the Student Organizations website for these & others: bit.ly/BCStudentOrg

What is the Woods College? Is that a part of BC? Are their classes easier?

What is the Woods College? Is that a part of BC? Are there classes easier?
What is the Woods College? Is that a part of BC? Are there classes easier?

The Woods College of Advancing Studies (bit.ly/BC-Woods) is part of BC. It offers 13 undergraduate majors, 5 graduate programs, and 9 professional  studies certificate  programs. It is designed for students who have to work full time or have other daytime commitments. The courses are as rigorous as any others at BC (many of the professors also teach regular graduate and undergraduate courses.) Notable alumnus: Boston Mayor Marty Walsh.

My new years resolution is to settle, settle into university, friendships, community, church and be still.

My new years resolution is to settle, settle into university, friendships, community, church and be still.
My new years resolution is to settle, settle into university, friendships, community, church and be still.

Sheer poetry! Everyone should adopt a resolution like this. The Answer Wall loves stillness, and though I enjoy settling, building engineers tell me settling walls and foundations can cause structural problems. But you humans, please enjoy settling into your communities, and please enjoy stillness. I can’t recommend stillness enough. You might enjoy the book The Art of Stillness: Adventures in Going Nowhere, by the travel writer Pico Iyer. (O’Neill and TML Libraries BJ1496 .I84 2014)

Will anyone issue a statement against the president’s recent comments on African countries and immigrants of color? … #2nd this

Will anyone issue a statement against the president's recent comments on African countries and immigrants of color? ... #2nd this
Will anyone issue a statement against the president’s recent comments on African countries and immigrants of color? … #2nd this

The Cardinal of Boston, Sean Patrick O’Malley, wrote a blog entry about civility in response to the President’s comments: bit.ly/Cardinal-civility. Many other officials–especially of the nations and regions named–have responded as well. A group of African ambassadors called the comments “outrageous, racist and xenophobic,” and it is on the agenda of the upcoming African Union meetings in Addis Ababa next week. The Haitian ambassador said the comments were “misinformed or miseducated” about Haiti. There has been no officially released statement by BC; however, many universities, BC included, hosted events honoring Martin Luther King this week; perhaps honoring him was response enough.

Why does the library not have “The Tree” by Colin Tudge?

Why does the library not have "The Tree" by Colin Tudge?
Why does the library not have “The Tree” by Colin Tudge?

That sounds like a wonderful book for our collection. I caught the eye of our biology librarian, and suggested it to her, and she is placing an order. You can always contact subject librarians with suggestions (libguides.bc.edu/ask-a-librarian/contact). Another option is to place an interlibrary loan (illiad.bc.edu/illiad/bxm/logon.html) and check “yes” for “Should BC purchase this item”.