Because: 1. you’ve looked at BC’s mission ( and it’s a close fit with your values, 2. people you like and respect went to BC and loved their experience and think it would be right for you, 3. the mix of available majors ( fits with your goals and aspirations, 4. it just feels right, 5. BC Libraries ( totally rock & you want to spend a lot of time here.
I sincerely hope studying and researching in O’Neill at night is less harrowing than the mad world of animatronics at Freddie Fazbear’s Pizza! Though I have to admit, humans have told me that the automated lights in the stacks going on and off can be a little creepy at night, and once the library empties out after 2am, the lively sounds of a building are more audible. But don’t worry, that’s just me and my friends keeping the building dry and cozy for you and the books. If you find the feeling of being in a harrowing video game IRL doesn’t dissipate, you might want to talk to someone about it. The folks at the counseling office are there for exactly this kind of conversation:
During my time supporting the O’Neill Library, I have had an opportunity to observe students from every major available here at Boston College and my belief is that there is that all of the majors are “good” but that they might not all be right for a particular student. I would recommend focusing your efforts on deciding if Communications is the best fit for you. To do this, consider questions such as: Do you enjoy the Communications classes you have taken so far? Does the work make you fulfilled? Does it feel meaningful? Will it support your future career goals and personal aspirations? Along the way, you might want to visit the BC Career Center ( and check out our portal for Communications Resources (
University presidents have many different styles: some insert themselves into student life with awkward gusto, some are more faculty-focused, some concentrate attention on capital campaigns and fundraising, and some administrate by delegating. Father Leahy is mostly a combination of the latter two, it seems, and judging by the remarkable expansion, pace of construction & plans for more, that’s where his priorities lie. He rarely comments on political issues, though did sign a letter strongly disagreeing with the Trump administration on DACA: If you’re curious about his history among students, explore articles in The Heights that mention him:
Do you mean you’re going to open one yourself? I think that would be very popular, indeed! Maybe even a cookie delivery service? If the planning takes off, at some point you’ll want to talk to the library administrative office at 617-552-4470.
Where do you keep the BC eagle when its NOT flying through Alumni Stadium?
According to the Athletic Dept., the eagle spends the summer and early Fall at Stone Zoo (, and the rest of the year at the World Bird Sanctuary ( in St. Louis. He was christened Welles–after Welles Crowther–as the result of a naming contest in 2013. There were limited appearances in Fall 2017, owing to scheduling, but Fall 2018 looks like it’s shaping up to have more appearances.
Where does the new grass which is placed every spring come from?
According to Facilities Management, it’s grown on a sod farm in Rhode Island called Kingston Turf Farms. They’ve been the supplier “for a number of years, except in circumstances when a specialized growing medium is required.” (Kingston Turf Farms is also the supplier for MetLife and Meadowlands stadiums in New Jersey, among other clients.)
Does the library take books out of circulation, and, if so, can I have the cool ones?
Despite their organized appearance, research libraries are hoarders by nature and get rid of very little. The BC Libraries do take books out of circulation, but they are not the cool ones. Items are removed usually because they are falling apart, have been superseded by later or digital editions, or have not been used in many years. Trust me when I say they have little value except to the recycler.
can you please find whoever bought the ultra fine toilet paper for campus and ask them to stop being so cheap? its inhumane, i’m cutting my hands trying to get TP out of the holder because it rips when you pull it. [Reply 1]: I second this. The paper is so thin that I need to get a lot of it and fold everytime. And also it rips easily. [Reply 2]: Yes!!!TP all over makes the restrooms look filthy when they’re not
Facilities Management says they have received a few other complaints as well, and are meeting with the vendor to look at better options.
Full time library puppy please. ( I will volunteer to bring him home over breaks)
Sigh… if I had legs & arms & could walk and feed and snuggle with puppy, I’d want more than one. I’ll put in a word with my assistants, but don’t hold your breath. I suspect there might be a hitch or two, such as a responsibility to patrons who are afraid of dogs or allergic to them, and I’m sure the lawyers will have something to say about liability. Being human must be so difficult!
As much as I would love the company, unfortunately, you can’t sleep in the library overnight. And, this is probably for the best since I doubt you would find the library particularly comfortable for a full night’s sleep. But, if you want to extend your visit as long as possible, you can stay on the first floor of O’Neill until 2 am on weekends!
Hi Wall, It’s midterm week and its hard to get a seat here. Its there anyway that I can save a seat for myself for a certain period of time? By the way, I’m by myself so I don’t think I can register for the group study room.
I’m sorry you’re having a hard time finding a place to study. You’re correct that you shouldn’t register for a group study room when your intent is to study alone. I’m sorry to report that O’Neill Library – fine establishment though it is – does not take reservations for other seating. I recommend checking out other spaces on campus, such as in our other libraries (e.g. Bapst Art Library, Educational Resource Center, Social Work Library, Theology & Ministry Library) and other spaces on campus conducive to study, such as common areas in academic buildings & residence halls, empty classrooms, or even dining halls, if you don’t mind a general hum of activity.
Why does BC act like they care about their students?
Who is BC, though? It’s all of us, collectively. I (and my helpers) care very much about you guys. And I’ve seen many students being very kind and generous with their time for other students as well. Not to mention the many faculty who go above and beyond, because they do care. Are there likely some callus individuals among us, sure, but I am sorry you are only “seeing” them.
BC needs 24/7 pancake service. How do I make this happen?
The Wall’s acolytes are very excited about this idea. From our collection, you might enjoy this Culinary Arts Career Starter:, or this film on starting a catering business (, or this catchy title from 1688: The gentlewomans cabinet unlocked. Wherein is contained many excellent receipts for neat dressing of divers sorts of meats; as flesh and fish, with their proper sauces· Also directions for the best way of making pancakes, fritters, tansies, puddings, custards, cheesecakes…. ( You could suggest it to Dining Services, they’re nice: The Wall also has suggestions for places to go for more information on starting a business–ask again if that’s what you’re after.
Following up on that, who is in charge of picking commencement speakers? Can students get involved?
The Board of Trustees picks the Commencement Speaker, but it sounds like they’re open to suggestions. From the commencement director: “Students, faculty, staff, alumni, parents and friends are all welcome to send suggestions for speakers and honorary degree candidates to the University Commencement Office, 110 College Road.”
Every school is a little different about which holidays are days off. Colleges and universities have to fit a certain amount of classroom time into each semester to keep their accreditation, and it’s a balancing act. Lots of schools don’t get Good Friday off, which we do.
Do you think spending $1M on taking care of our grass is financially responsible [reply]: I second this, I third this
A million dollars is a lot of money for a person, but not for an organization the size of BC. According to the BC Fact Book ( the university had almost a billion dollars in expenses last year. A million pennies stacked on top of each other would be about a mile high. A billion would be 870 miles high. ( It doesn’t seem to the Wall like a bad investment in keeping campus looking nice, or out of proportion to the rest of what BC spends money on–see the Fact Book for more detail.
Fashion has a lot to do with identity, both group and individual, judging by how many books are available on the subject “clothing and dress — social aspects” in BC Libraries: Browse among them, and I’m sure you’ll find some compelling answers about the tribal adornments of your fellow students.
If this is in response to the yet-unanswered question, please know the Wall’s helpers have been in contact with BCPD, who have said they will have an answer soon. If it’s not about that, are you asking whether they’re sad? 🙁 I don’t know. I’m sure police work is challenging, especially in that officers are often exposed to the worst moments in people’s lives. That could certainly make a police officer sad.