Why don’t we get more snow days? -Student

Why don't we get more snow days? -Student
Why don’t we get more snow days? -Student

As a primarily residential campus, BC never closes completely. So, those who make the snow day call try to keep all services available as much as possible. Unfortunately for many, that also means classes are also rarely cancelled. But when there are snow days, check out the library hours page- O’Neill is almost always open.

Do you know the vending machines never work downstairs?

Do you know the vending machines never work downstairs?
Do you know the vending machines never work downstairs?

I know the soda and coffee machines aren’t the most reliable ever. They’re much more mechanically complex than vending machines, which means they break more. While we do try to report issues, it is ultimately up to the companies (Coca Cola and A&B Vending) to fix them. But, ANYONE can call or email them whenever they’re broken, so feel free to contact them yourself. You can also use your One Card at the vending machines across the atrium on floor 2 next to the Center for Teaching Excellence.

Why am I here as a 2nd semester senior? WTF

Why am I here as a 2nd semester senior? WTF
Why am I here as a 2nd semester senior? WTF

Why are you in the library? Hey, you asked the right Wall – I am hardly ever anyplace else (though I am presenting at a conference in May, no kidding!) There are so many opportunities here, to learn about anything, to find some peace, or even to get advice at Career Center drop-in sessions Wednesday & Thursday 2-4 (Level 3 consultation area), if you’re thinking about what comes next. This is the place to be.

How do I find friends for housing? lol

How do I find friends for housing? lol
How do I find friends for housing? lol

You’re not alone, it’s a Res Life frequently asked question. They say: “If you would like to find roommates with whom you can enter the room selection process, contact your Resident Director. Another option is to enter into Final Selection, which is the last event for room selection. On the designated days for final selection, students may register themselves into this process via the housing application on “My ResLife” in the Agora Portal. Over the summer, we will place the students from Final Selection into housing assignments, doing our best to work with any preferences indicated within a student’s housing application.” (bit.ly/ResLifeFAQ)

Should I drop out and move to Wyoming?

Should I drop out and move to Wyoming?
Should I drop out and move to Wyoming?

Dropping out is a big decision, not to be taken lightly. Why not take a semester or one year leave of absence and try out Wyoming? That way, you can come back to BC if Wyoming turns out to be bleak and inhospitable, or stay if you can’t imagine leaving the “big country.” I recommend talking to your adviser. I’d reckon your parents might also have something to say, but you’re also an adult; this is your decision.

Why can’t we use meal plans to buy Starbucks???

Why can't we use meal plans to buy Starbucks???
Why can’t we use meal plans to buy Starbucks??? <– $2400!!!

It turns out the reason is somewhat coincidental. It starts with Hillside being removed from the meal plan in 2012 due to crowding and BC Dining funding issues. Hillside was serving 4,000 people/day, when it was built for 1,200. Dining Services met with student government representatives in 2012, who apparently expressed concerns but accepted the reasons for removing Hillside from the meal plan. Article in The Heightsbit.ly/hillside-mealplan. Later, Hillside began offering Starbucks drinks. Dining Services welcomes feedback: bit.ly/BC-dining-survey

Why is it that I pay what other students pay yet I’m seen & treated as someone who is not equal?

Why is it that I pay what other students pay yet I'm seen & treated as someone who is not equal? That's BS
Why is it that I pay what other students pay yet I’m seen & treated as someone who is not equal? That’s BS

I am very sorry that has been your experience here. No-one here should be treated as “less than,” regardless of how much they are paying to attend. Student Affairs (bit.ly/BC-student-affairs) may be able to point you to good groups or offices that can help you get fairer treatment.

Why the TML (Theology Library) doesn’t have proper access to people with disabilities?

Why the TML (Theology Library) doesn't have proper access to people with disabilities
Why the TML (Theology Library) doesn’t have proper access to people with disabilities

I have reached out to our friends at BC Facilities to get an answer. I’ll let you know as soon as I have one.

The TML is old enough that it is not legally required to meet modern accessibility standards. However, because of your question, BC is going to look at the doors to see if they can be improved.

I’m a touring high school student. Why BC?

I'm a touring high school student. Why BC?
I’m a touring high school student. Why BC?

Because: 1. you’ve looked at BC’s mission (bit.ly/BC-mission) and it’s a close fit with your values, 2. people you like and respect went to BC and loved their experience and think it would be right for you, 3. the mix of available majors (bit.ly/BC-academics) fits with your goals and aspirations, 4. it just feels right, 5. BC Libraries (library.bc.edu) totally rock & you want to spend a lot of time here.

Why is this place my tomb?

Why is this place my tomb?
Why is this place my tomb?

I sincerely hope studying and researching in O’Neill at night is less harrowing than the mad world of animatronics at Freddie Fazbear’s Pizza! Though I have to admit, humans have told me that the automated lights in the stacks going on and off can be a little creepy at night, and once the library empties out after 2am, the lively sounds of a building are more audible. But don’t worry, that’s just me and my friends keeping the building dry and cozy for you and the books. If you find the feeling of being in a harrowing video game IRL doesn’t dissipate, you might want to talk to someone about it. The folks at the counseling office are there for exactly this kind of conversation: bit.ly/BC-counseling

Do you think Communications is a good major?

Do you think Communications is a good major?
Do you think Communications is a good major?

During my time supporting the O’Neill Library, I have had an opportunity to observe students from every major available here at Boston College and my belief is that there is that all of the majors are “good” but that they might not all be right for a particular student. I would recommend focusing your efforts on deciding if Communications is the best fit for you. To do this, consider questions such as: Do you enjoy the Communications classes you have taken so far? Does the work make you fulfilled? Does it feel meaningful? Will it support your future career goals and personal aspirations? Along the way, you might want to visit the BC Career Center (bit.ly/BC-career) and check out our portal for Communications Resources (https://libguides.bc.edu/communicationportal).

Where is Father Leahy?

Where is Father Leahy?
Where is Father Leahy?

University presidents have many different styles: some insert themselves into student life with awkward gusto, some are more faculty-focused, some concentrate attention on capital campaigns and fundraising, and some administrate by delegating. Father Leahy is mostly a combination of the latter two, it seems, and judging by the remarkable expansion, pace of construction & plans for more, that’s where his priorities lie. He rarely comments on political issues, though did sign a letter strongly disagreeing with the Trump administration on DACA: bit.ly/BC-DACA. If you’re curious about his history among students, explore articles in The Heights that mention him: bit.ly/BC-Heights-Leahy.

Truly hope to have a cookie stand in O’Neill.

Truly hope to have a cookie stand in O'Neill.
Truly hope to have a cookie stand in O’Neill.

Do you mean you’re going to open one yourself? I think that would be very popular, indeed! Maybe even a cookie delivery service? If the planning takes off, at some point you’ll want to talk to the library administrative office at 617-552-4470.

Where do you keep the BC eagle when its NOT flying through Alumni Stadium?

Where do you keep the BC eagle when its NOT flying through Alumni Stadium?
Where do you keep the BC eagle when its NOT flying through Alumni Stadium?

According to the Athletic Dept., the eagle spends the summer and early Fall at Stone Zoo (zoonewengland.org/stone-zoo), and the rest of the year at the World Bird Sanctuary (worldbirdsanctuary.org) in St. Louis. He was christened Welles–after Welles Crowther–as the result of a naming contest in 2013. There were limited appearances in Fall 2017, owing to scheduling, but Fall 2018 looks like it’s shaping up to have more appearances.