Why can’t I steal BC’s computers if I pay for a high tuition?

Why can't I steal BC's computers if I pay for a high tuition?
Why can’t I steal BC’s computers if I pay for a high tuition?

Tuition is high, for sure. But let’s think this through. Practically, tuition pays for lots of things, including resources BC makes available for students to share. If enough students did this, BC would have to raise tuition to cover replacement costs, or stop offering those kinds of resources. Legally, grand larceny is a felony in Massachusetts and is defined as stealing something worth more than $250. bit.ly/bc-larceny. Morally, if you’re looking for a justification for doing something, you already kinda know it’s wrong, don’t you?

What happens if I never want to graduate?

What happens if I never want to graduate?
What happens if I never want to graduate?

You could take the lightest possible course load and keep changing majors so that you never quite satisfy the requirements of graduation & yet remain in good standing… but that could get really, really expensive. I recommend instead that you focus on enjoying the present moment. Right now, that’s your social and intellectual world at BC. Later, it will be other things, and if you focus on the present moment then, you’ll enjoy those things, too. And you’ll be able to come back to BC as an alum and enjoy a present moment of reminiscing with old friends, and maybe even meet new ones.

When will late night ACTUALLY come back? (to lower live)

When will late night ACTUALLY come back? (to lower live)
When will late night ACTUALLY come back? (to lower live)

According to Dining Services, the move to upstairs is unlikely to be reconsidered. It has helped solve other pressing problems at Lower, including ability to hire and retain student staff at awkward hours, provide a cleaner, more efficient environment for preparing and serving food for Late Night, and open up Corcoran Commons for extended dinner hours, which has regularly been accommodating 400 students. More offerings, including mac-n-cheese, specialty coffee drinks, frips and dips, meatball obsession, hot subs, and ice cream are being added to the Late Night menu.

How many people at BC have birthdays in August?

How many people at BC have birthdays in August?
How many people at BC have birthdays in August?

IDK, but it might be roughly equivalent in ratio to the number of births per month nationwide. I’ve excerpted a chart from the CDC National Vital Statistics Reports, Vol. 67, No. 1, January 31, 2018, with data from 2016. You can find the full report here: bit.ly/CDC-births, where you might want to find the reports with data from 1996-2000, for a more precise calibration with the current age of students. Happy Belated Birthday!

I think I love BC too much and it’ll be hard to graduate and this makes me stressed. How do I get over this?

I think I love BC too much and it'll be hard to graduate and this makes me stressed. How do I get over this? (only a sophomore)
I think I love BC too much and it’ll be hard to graduate and this makes me stressed. How do I get over this? (only a sophomore)

You know what happens to all those lovely BC students stressing out about having to leave BC? They become our amazing alumni! The BC Alumni Community (bit.ly/BCAlumComm) is a very active group, and there’s no reason to lose your connection to your BC folks. And I’m always so happy to see alums come back and visit campus for reunion, or just passing by (and say “hi” to me, of course!)

When is the next therapy dog visit? <3

When is the next therapy dog visit?
When is the next therapy dog visit? <3

The first therapy dog visit of the semester is in the works for early to mid-October. Watch for specifics on the libraries’ FB page and elsewhere. (Maybe one of my acolytes will remember to post a note here.)

This just in! Joe the dog has confirmed he’ll visit on Friday, October 5 at 3:004:00pm 4:00pm. And now Juno the dog has confirmed for 6:00pm on Wednesday, October 10! And Spencer at 11:00am on the 10th!

Joe the dog
Joe the dog
Juno the golden retriever holding a taco-shaped toy in his mouth.
Juno the dog.
Spencer the therapy dog carrying a heart-shaped sign in his mouth that reads "love you more"
Spencer the Dog

How to choose a major when you are a junior and don’t know yet?

How to choose a major when you are a junior and don't know yet?
How to choose a major when you are a junior and don’t know yet?

The Academic Advising Center has this wonderful piece on choosing a major: bit.ly/choose-major. It serves as a reminder that choosing a major isn’t the same as choosing a career and that you should study what brings you joy. The Center also has more resources at bit.ly/BC-academic-advising, including videos/transcripts of how other students have chosen (and changed) their majors. You can do it; I have faith in you! <3

Fourth floor next to the grouped cubicles/Elevator side there’s a horrible clicking noise, like there’s a mice-[crossout]

Fourth floor next to the grouped cubicles/Elevator side there's a horrible clicking noise, like there's a mice-[crossout]
Fourth floor next to the grouped cubicles/Elevator side there’s a horrible clicking noise, like there’s a mice-[crossout]

Thanks for the update on possible small furry quadruped guests. I prefer larger bipedal guests, who don’t tend to chew on wiring. (It tickles.) I will pass along your observations to those who can do something about the situation.

Show us a pic of you & your family

Show us a pic of you & your family
Show us a pic of you & your family

To be honest, I don’t have a family portrait. We walls all take our jobs very seriously so never have the opportunity to get together. (Can you imagine what would happen if we took off for a family reunion?!) Except for those I am closest to I don’t really see my BC relatives wall-to-wall. This brief clip, however, shows some of the family on the outside: bit.ly/BCaerial. They are quite elegant, aren’t they?

Please, O omnipotent wall of all wisdom and sincerity, please tell BC Dining to put Late Night back at Lower!!

Please, O omnipotent wall of all wisdom and sincerity, please tell BC Dining to put Late Night back at Lower!! We pay thousands each semester!
Please, O omnipotent wall of all wisdom and sincerity, please tell BC Dining to put Late Night back at Lower!! We pay thousands each semester!

Though I am certainly many things, I must admit that I am far from omnipotent. When it comes to influencing BC’s Dining Services, I am quite certain the collective voices of disgruntled students have far more sway than my own humble requests. Please make your collective wishes known directly to Dining Services: bit.ly/BCDiningComment