IDK, but it might be roughly equivalent in ratio to the number of births per month nationwide. I’ve excerpted a chart from the CDC National Vital Statistics Reports, Vol. 67, No. 1, January 31, 2018, with data from 2016. You can find the full report here:, where you might want to find the reports with data from 1996-2000, for a more precise calibration with the current age of students. Happy Belated Birthday!
I think I love BC too much and it’ll be hard to graduate and this makes me stressed. How do I get over this?
You know what happens to all those lovely BC students stressing out about having to leave BC? They become our amazing alumni! The BC Alumni Community ( is a very active group, and there’s no reason to lose your connection to your BC folks. And I’m always so happy to see alums come back and visit campus for reunion, or just passing by (and say “hi” to me, of course!)
do they restock the vending machines every night?
Every weekday morning before 8am.
Tem Brasileiros no BC?
When is the next therapy dog visit? <3
The first therapy dog visit of the semester is in the works for early to mid-October. Watch for specifics on the libraries’ FB page and elsewhere. (Maybe one of my acolytes will remember to post a note here.)
This just in! Joe the dog has confirmed he’ll visit on Friday, October 5 at 3:004:00pm 4:00pm. And now Juno the dog has confirmed for 6:00pm on Wednesday, October 10! And Spencer at 11:00am on the 10th!
How to choose a major when you are a junior and don’t know yet?
The Academic Advising Center has this wonderful piece on choosing a major: It serves as a reminder that choosing a major isn’t the same as choosing a career and that you should study what brings you joy. The Center also has more resources at, including videos/transcripts of how other students have chosen (and changed) their majors. You can do it; I have faith in you! <3
What do I do if I never want to graduate from BC
Get a job at BC! You would remain in a university environment and could take most classes for free. The only downside is that for many positions, it is harder to get hired by BC than it is to get accepted at BC as a student.
Who is your favorite acapella group? <3
It all depends on my mood. I love The Acoustics, Against the Current, the Bostonians, the Common Tones, the Dynamics, the Heightsmen, and the Sharps, and when I’m feeling more Renaissance, the Madrigals. Anyone interested can find some recordings here:
Fourth floor next to the grouped cubicles/Elevator side there’s a horrible clicking noise, like there’s a mice-[crossout]
Thanks for the update on possible small furry quadruped guests. I prefer larger bipedal guests, who don’t tend to chew on wiring. (It tickles.) I will pass along your observations to those who can do something about the situation.
Show us a pic of you & your family
To be honest, I don’t have a family portrait. We walls all take our jobs very seriously so never have the opportunity to get together. (Can you imagine what would happen if we took off for a family reunion?!) Except for those I am closest to I don’t really see my BC relatives wall-to-wall. This brief clip, however, shows some of the family on the outside: They are quite elegant, aren’t they?
Why is the oatmeal at the Ratt so much better than at lower? :(
IDK, but maybe you can submit this observation to dining services ( and prompt a friendly rivalry between Lyons and Lower kitchen staffs: who’s got the best oatmeal?
Please, O omnipotent wall of all wisdom and sincerity, please tell BC Dining to put Late Night back at Lower!!
Though I am certainly many things, I must admit that I am far from omnipotent. When it comes to influencing BC’s Dining Services, I am quite certain the collective voices of disgruntled students have far more sway than my own humble requests. Please make your collective wishes known directly to Dining Services:
Why does BC hardcore discriminate against transfer students? (housing, clubs, etc.)
I’m sorry you feel mistreated by BC. I recommend bringing your grievances to the relevant offices: for housing, Residential Life –, and for clubs, Office of Student Involvement – You belong here.
Can you bring late nights back?
Though I am the mighty Answer Wall, my powers are limited, and I doubt I have the capability of single-handedly bringing Late Nights back to what it was. I can, however, have my human assistants pass your request along to Dining Services, and perhaps you can do so yourself as well:
Why is this place so cold every time I come?
Books prefer cool temperatures and low humidity–it helps them live long lives and avoid problems like mold. There are way more of them than humans here, so that’s why. All the librarians have sweaters and such in their offices, so it’s not just you.
Why is laundry so darn expensive?
I sympathize with the human necessity of clothing and its care. Residential Life, who oversees the laundry machines in campus housing says $1.75 per wash or dry ($3.50/load) is comparable to most college laundry machine costs, and less expensive than most local laundromats. The machines are not industrial-sized, but they are normal-household-machine-sized. If you would like to advocate for different machines or laundry services, contact the Quality of Student Life Committee:
Why does BC only have one-ply toilet paper?
I hope you’re not suggesting that your tuition should go down the toilet. Facilities Management says they have received a few other complaints as well, and are meeting with the vendor to look at better options. Your tuition covers about 62% of the overall BC budget and 70% of it goes to instruction, student aid, and academic/research support. As for seat covers, they don’t protect against germs, and toilet seats generally have fewer germs than the door handle. If you are concerned about germs, the best defense is to wash your hands well and keep your hands away from your mouth and eyes.
When are the libraries on campus going to stop discriminating against surface owners and offer us chargers to rent out!!!
Thanks for the feedback! O’Neill does provide chargers for the following brands: Apple, Dell, HP, Lenovo, Samsung, Sony, Asus and Acer. An order for Surface chargers has been placed and these should be available for loan shortly.
Here is the response from Admissions: Enrollment management is a complex endeavor. BC’s predictive enrollment models are highly effective in using historical yield patterns to forecast future enrollments. As effective as these models typically are, historical data do not always perfectly forecast future decisions that admitted students will make. For example, the admission offers extended to the sophomore Class 2021 resulted in a larger number of students accepting our invitations than our models predicted. Enrollment Management quickly accounted for this change by updating the enrollment models for the Class of 2022 – and then enrolled the current freshman class almost exactly as the models forecast. What can we say? BC is a popular destination.
Why is our dining hall food always so oily?
BC Dining loves to get feedback – I’d contact them at My helper tells me there are good low/no fat options available at the salad bar in Lower. I hope you’re able to find food that meets your needs!