I feel like BC doesn’t care about antisemitism.

I feel like BC doesn't care about antisemitism. Why haven't they made a statement about the tree of life shooting?
I feel like BC doesn’t care about antisemitism. Why haven’t they made a statement about the tree of life shooting?
Our professor also said it has a disproportionately low number of Jewish students compared to other colleges. Dunno if that's accurate.
Our professor also said it has a disproportionately low number of Jewish students compared to other colleges. Dunno if that’s accurate.

I was horrified to hear of this terrible event, and I’m sorry you feel like BC doesn’t care. Though I know it might not ameliorate the lack of a public statement, my library assistants have heard nothing but care and concern from BC staff, students, and faculty. As to the population: a recent Pew survey estimated that nationally, recent college graduates were about 3% Jewish, and Boston College Hillel estimates BC’s Jewish population at 2%. I doubt that’s enough of a difference to influence concern about antisemitism. I’m sure BC as a whole cares; perhaps student groups could help encourage BC to turn that care into a public gesture of some kind.

I love this wall!

I love this wall! Is the rumor that if you get hit by a car on campus, then you get full-ride scholarship true? Is this why students don't look up from there (sic) phones when crossing the roads?
I love this wall! Is the rumor that if you get hit by a car on campus, then you get full-ride scholarship true? Is this why students don’t look up from there (sic) phones when crossing the roads?

Thank you! I love you too. The short answer to the question of getting hit by a car is “no”. The university does not have a policy of extending free tuition to anyone hit by a car on campus. However, if you are hit by a car, you likely have a civil case on your hands. The exact outcome of the case (whether you receive money, have to pay out money, who the parties to the lawsuit are, etc.) will depend heavily on the exact circumstances of your accident. Even in the best case, it will be at least a year before you see any money. Some cases can drag on for a long time (5 years or more) and you will have graduated long before they’re over. All of that is to say that not looking before crossing the road isn’t a good path to a scholarship. I think many students assume others will stop if they walk. Unfortunately, too many people aren’t paying attention to the roads these days, and that’s a very dangerous assumption to make. Be safe. Look both ways.

Can someone fix the vending machines plz?

Can someone fix the vending machines plz?
Can someone fix the vending machines plz?

My human library assistants are all working hard with the right university offices to make sure Coca-Cola fixes the vending machines. Coca-Cola says they’re waiting for parts. I wish I could hurry along the people responsible for those parts, but my influence doesn’t really extend beyond the campus walls.

Do you think BC uses Welles Crowther for monetary gain and capitalism?

Do you think BC uses Welles Crowther for monetary gain and capitalism?
Do you think BC uses Welles Crowther for monetary gain and capitalism?

Crowther is an American hero. After his death in the 9/11 attacks, his parents started the Red Bandanna Project, which sells bandanas emblazoned with his BC lacrosse jersey number (19). Boston College was a large part of Welles’ life (he lived with other BC grads in New York), so it makes sense that BC honors his sacrifice while the charitable organizations started in his honor fundraise, in part, on his connection with BC. The world is more complex than simple “monetary gain and capitalism” – it’s a symbiotic relationship between BC and the Welles Remy Crowther Charitable Trust. The Red Bandana 5K raises money for the Trust, and BC is a sponsor of the race (thus making their association with him a financially “losing” prospect in this instance). BC alumni are more likely to give money to both BC and the Trust due to their mutual association. Sometimes, everyone really does win – the Trust gets more money to develop its programs (see http://www.crowthertrust.org for more info) and BC is associated with exactly the type of person that the University aims to graduate into the world.

Why does BC love football and grass more than counseling services?

Why does BC love football and grass more than counseling services?
Why does BC love football and grass more than counseling services?

Short answer: it’s not just BC. See this report by the Center for Collegiate Mental Health: bit.ly/ccmh-2017. There’s been a huge increase in anxiety, depression, and threat-to-self rates in college students nationwide that has been increasing demand at counseling centers faster than they can respond. Perhaps you can get your student representatives (ugbc.org) to pressure the administration to do more.

Why is BC Dining so awful!?!?

Why is BC Dining so awful!?!? [response: Agreed.]
Why is BC Dining so awful!?!? [response: Agreed.]

Ponder what you find awful, and send them feedback about it: bit.ly/BCDiningComment. Maybe they’ll make some changes. My own answer: is it? I’ve had a number of people write about stuff they really like at various dining halls. Maybe it’s a matter of finding the options you like. Or maybe you just needed to vent? At times like these, I’m reminded that I’m glad I don’t eat anything but post-its. It must be so hard finding agreeable food!

보스턴 너무 추워 Boston is too cold.

보스턴 너무 추워 Boston is too cold. 附议 I second that. 我也这么觉得。 I think so too. 나 겨울 싫어 I hate winter.
보스턴 너무 추워
Boston is too cold.
I second that.
I think so too.
나 겨울 싫어
I hate winter.

Oh, dear. If any of you think it’s cold now, just wait until January/February. (Or do you already know and are anticipating?) Prepare now; get your layers of clothing in order. Think about the good parts of winter: hot chocolate and snowball fights. And complaining … New Englanders always talk about the weather. Remember, though, you will always have a warm reception here in the library! (You are welcome to flex in your Canada Goose if you can; sometimes they are very bulky.)

Why is BC not ranked higher?

Why is BC not ranked higher?
Why is BC not ranked higher?

Assuming you mean the US News & World Report rankings, BC has been shooting up the rankings for years, but, according to BC News, it “fell six places as a result of a major shift in the survey’s methodology which, analysts say, benefited large public universities this year.” For more discussions see: bit.ly/BCUSNWR

Why didn’t BC finish redoing the second half of Iggy? <3, B63

Why didn't BC finish redoing the second half of Iggy?
Why didn’t BC finish redoing the second half of Iggy? <3, B63

According to Facilities Management, the project “was a pedestrian access project more than a landscape improvement project.” The landscape improvements were incidental to the project of creating a connecting sidewalk to Voute so that students were out of the street. IOW, the “second half” was never part of the project.