opinions on the cohabitation policy?

opinions on the cohabitation policy?
opinions on the cohabitation policy?

It’s not uncommon for Universities to restrict housing to members of the same sex in a given domicile. This prevents a number of tricky issues that would be likely to crop up otherwise (couple breaks up – who gets the room? parents of a student don’t approve of a living situation – how does the University handle that since most students here are legal adults? domestic violence problems could be exacerbated, etc.). Yes, it mostly assumes that everyone has “traditional” views on relationships, but it is successful in handling most of these potential problems.

Can we get snacks in the employee lounge?

Can we get snacks in the employee lounge?
Can we get snacks in the employee lounge?

Do you mean the employee lounge in O’Neill? I’m afraid it is limited to those who work at the library. And I have heard (we walls have a way of communicating amongst ourselves, you know) there are no snacks there except for those that staff bring in. (Which is why you will see staff at the same vending machines you use for snacks!)

How many books are there in BC Library? What is the oldest one?

How many books are there in BC Library? What is the oldest one?
How many books are there in BC Library? What is the oldest one?

According to the latest Factbook, at the end of fiscal year 2017, there were 2,326,205 books available from O’Neill Library. Defining what a “book” is gets kind of tricky (librarians love to nerd out on this stuff), but the oldest printed book in our collection is Jean Gerson’s De Spiritualib[us] Nupciis (On Spiritual Marriage). It has been digitized and is available to read online: bit.ly/BurnsOldestBook. The oldest item we have is a Mesopotamian clay tablet from 2000-3000 BC.

What is the name of the skunk in the mods?

What is the name of the skunk in the mods?
What is the name of the skunk in the mods?

I don’t speak skunk, and the walls of the mods speak a language so full of current argot and meme that I often hardly know what’s going on, so I’m sorry to say I don’t know the little mammal’s name. I do know about skunks, though: if there’s one, there are likely several. You’ll need more than one name. If you encounter one, speak softly & move away, to avoid becoming a threat to be sprayed.

I apply for positions in O’Neill online several days ago and still haven’t received interview quest. Does that mean that I have no chance?

I apply for positions in O'Neill online several days ago and still haven't received interview quest. Does that mean that I have no chance?
I apply for positions in O’Neill online several days ago and still haven’t received interview quest. Does that mean that I have no chance?

Thank you for submitting your application. Library staff are currently reviewing the 63 applications that we have received so far and will be contacting the students whose skills and availability are a match, shortly. Don’t give up hope!

How do I get to the bell tower in Gasson?

How do I get to the bell tower in Gasson?
How do I get to the bell tower in Gasson?

Gasson Hall was always a little tight-lipped but got even more so after the renovation in 2007 when its bells were silenced temporarily. Since Gasson isn’t talking, I’ve had my assistants poke around a little. There’s a clue in this Boston College Magazine alumni-submitted story: bit.ly/bells-clue, but as the story predates the renovation, there might not be a door ajar, and you’d probably still have to watch out for the laser-activated alarm. I recommend getting a campus job with facilities. Those folks know everything. But you’ll have to earn their trust before they share.

Why do we not have an LGBTQ+ Resource Center, and why are admin. not educated on LGBTQ+ topics?

Why do we not have an LGBTQ+ Resource Center, and why are admin. not educated on LGBTQ+ topics?
Why do we not have an LGBTQ+ Resource Center, and why are admin. not educated on LGBTQ+ topics?

The Office of the Dean of Students offers “support, education, outreach, programs, and opportunities” for LGBTQ+ according to the brochures just to the left of me. If you see shortcomings or think those offerings are insufficient, please reach out to them. The Dean of Students, Tom Morgan, said: “contact us at 617-552-8574 or stop by Maloney 448.”

做项目做彻夜,要升天了,怎么办?(I have worked on this project all night. I am dying. What should I do?)

做项目做彻夜,要升天了,怎么办?(I have worked on this project all night. I am dying. What should I do?)
做项目做彻夜,要升天了,怎么办?(I have worked on this project all night. I am dying. What should I do?)

Believe it or not, you will look back on these times fondly. (“Remember that time we watched the sunrise while we finished that project?”) Just make sure you sleep and eat when you can, and keep in mind that these intense times are temporary. Best of luck!


AM I ABLE TO SURVIVE THIS SEMESTER? @5:31AM [Responses: 不, 你 行. (Out of the question.), Only if you believe <3]
AM I ABLE TO SURVIVE THIS SEMESTER? @5:31AM [Responses: 不, 你 行. (Out of the question.), Only if you believe <3]

You really will survive this semester. Look for friends or family willing to listen to your struggles and give you the support and space you need, like the people who answered you here. Good luck with final projects and exams!

Is this degree worth?

Is this degree worth?
Is this degree worth?

If you mean in terms of earning power, yes. 2017 median household annual income of a householder with a college degree was about $92k, while median annual household income of householder with HS degree was about $45k. (BC Access only: bit.ly/education-income) If you mean intrinsic worth, that’s harder to judge, but in the mind of this library wall, more knowledge is always worth more than less knowledge, even if acquiring it is sometimes painful & expensive.

Can u send out emails to the student body for therapy dog reminders?

Can you send out emails to the student body for therapy dog reminders?
Can u send out emails to the student body for therapy dog reminders?

Unfortunately, there are many restrictions for sending mass emails to students. However, dog visits are highly advertised through digital and physical signage, brochures, social media, and website postings. If you are interested in getting reminders via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, please follow us at bclibraries.

How do I make it to front office?

How do I make it to front office?
How do I make it to front office?

Do you mean career-wise, or are you looking for a location at BC? At BC, the front office for prospective students is Admissions, in Devlin Hall. For current students & staff, the front office is Lyons Hall. In a career, it depends on your career path and industry. Start by making an appointment with the Career Center: bit.ly/BC-career

Why is BC so Superficial?

Why is BC so Superfficial?
Why is BC so Superficial?

I’m sorry you’ve been having this experience of BC! From what I can tell of the questions BC folks post on me, they range from silly to serious, from minor to major, and from shallow to deep. Give BC people a chance & they might surprise you.



As a Wall, I am fortunate that the only hookups I have are those for hanging pictures and such on me! More seriously, perhaps this is something that people (probably on most college campuses, not just BC) like to talk about (even if they don’t participate) and that makes it seem prevalent. Or maybe not. This is a difficult issue to address in such a small space. If you search the catalog for “hookup culture” you will find some books that explore the topic. Also check out this article for BC’s “Dating Professor” Kerry Cronin’s take: bit.ly/bc-hookup. The BC Women’s Center offers a “ResTalk” program called “Undressing the Hookup Culture” (see bit.ly/HookupResTalk) and may also have other resources.