Why don’t we have snow days? That was dangerous on Tuesday. Newton Bus is a risk as is.

Why don't we have snow days? That was dangerous on Tuesday. Newton Bus is a risk as is.
Why don’t we have snow days? That was dangerous on Tuesday. Newton Bus is a risk as is.

Well, they did cancel classes after 4:30 … Snow days are rare at Boston College, as administration considers this a residential campus. They do seem to have been more open to following city/state recommendations in the past few years though and have cancelled classes accordingly. Just wait for the next big one!

Does Fr. Leahy exist or is he a unicorn?

Does Fr. Leahy exist or is he a unicorn?
Does Fr. Leahy exist or is he a unicorn?

Preeety sure “Jesuit College President Is Actually Unicorn” and “Unicorns Really Exist” are headlines I would have seen. Also, presumably there would be more hoof prints and sparkles on the lawns.

I’m looking to find some work on campus, but everywhere I’ve looked at had been either filled or has hours I can’t work. Any ideas?

I'm looking to find some work on campus, but everywhere I've looked at had been either filled or has hours I can't work. Any ideas?
I’m looking to find some work on campus, but everywhere I’ve looked at had been either filled or has hours I can’t work. Any ideas?

Aside from persistence & reviewing all the employment links (bit.ly/bc-student-jobs), I’m sorry to say I don’t have many bright ideas. Ask all of your professors if they need a research assistant? (That usually takes time, though, even if they do: they’d need to go through a process of getting budget approval.)

Why are so many vending machines on campus not taking IDs anymore?

Why are so many vending machines on campus not taking IDs anymore?
Why are so many vending machines on campus not taking IDs anymore?

The folks in Auxiliary Services said Coke is in the process of replacing all the Eagle Card readers with new ones that accept both credit cards and Eagle Cards, and that they’re about halfway through the process. If there’s a particular machine that should accept Eagle ID’s and doesn’t (accepted payments are identified with stickers), contact the vending company via the phone number on the machine. Soon, the snack company will also be updating their machines to accept Eagle IDs.

Where is the O’Neill library?

Where is the O'Neill library?
Where is the O’Neill library?

Here! Or 140 Commonwealth Ave. Chestnut Hill, MA 02467 (although that’s technically all of BC). Or at plus code 8RPJ+C8 Newton, Massachusetts. Or at coordinates 42.3365389,-71.1691414. Oh. You can also find O’Neill online at library.bc.edu. Or on Twitter and IG @bclibraries (although those are also for other libraries at BC too). O’Neill is everywhere.

There are always people who chat occasionally or constantly in Quiet Zones (like the 4th floor large tables).

There are always people who chat occasionally or constantly in Quiet Zones (like the 4th floor large tables). I want to use these spaces to study but I cannot concentrate. Reminding them is sth easier said than done.
There are always people who chat occasionally or constantly in Quiet Zones (like the 4th floor large tables). I want to use these spaces to study but I cannot concentrate. Reminding them is sth easier said than done.

I’m sorry you’re encountering this problem; it must be frustrating to seek quiet spaces, and find that those spaces are not, in fact, quiet. I will let my assistants know. Thanks for making some noise about the noise!

What are the purposes of all those named “houses” on College Road? I never see them used…

What are the purposes of all those named "houses" on College Road? I never see them used...
What are the purposes of all those named “houses” on College Road? I never see them used…

Those buildings house institutes, centers, and other organizations. For instance, Faber House is the home of the Jesuit Institute, Donaldson House is where you would find the Center for Student Formation, and in Manresa House you’d find Campus Ministry. To find out more, I recommend searching house names through BC search (use the magnifying glass icon on any bc.edu page).

Could/would the Library host a poetry “read-in” in memory of the late great Mary Oliver?

Could/would the Library host a poetry "read-in" in memory of the late great Mary Oliver?
Could/would the Library host a poetry “read-in” in memory of the late great Mary Oliver?

I’ll have my colleagues ask around and get back to you.

The library would certainly consider providing space for such an event were someone to organize it; perhaps you could reach out to faculty in the English Dept. affiliated with the Creating Writing Seminar (bit.ly/bc-cw-seminar) or Creative Writing Concentration (bit.ly/bc-cw-concentration), or perhaps students who publish a student literary magazine such as Stylus, Epicenters or Elements. If you would like to schedule an event in library space, contact the administrative office at 617-552-4470.

What is the secret to getting into Boston College?

What is the secret to getting into Boston College?
What is the secret to getting into Boston College?

It’s no real secret; it’s just become a very competitive process. You best bet is to follow the requirements (bit.ly/BC-admissions), and put good effort into your application and essays, and into choosing the teachers who will evaluate you. Wishing you all the luck!

Why can’t we get new library printers?

Why can't we get new library printers?
Why can’t we get new library printers?

The library printers are only 3 years old, but with about 10 million pages printed each year at BC, it’s no wonder that the printers are getting finicky. Library and ITS staff have already started exploring which printers and print management systems will replace what we currently have.

Why is the mens bathrooms in O’Neill so disgusting? Can BC clean more often?

Why is the mens bathrooms in O'Neill so disgusting? Can BC clean more often?
Why is the mens bathrooms in O’Neill so disgusting? Can BC clean more often?

You are not the first to complain about the condition of my long-suffering colleagues, the bathroom walls. Crews clean them several times a day, but that doesn’t always keep up with the heavy use. Requests to have the bathrooms refinished have been put on hold pending decisions on larger renovation plans. For now, I’ll ask you to please treat the bathrooms with the respect they deserve even if they don’t always show their appreciation.

Why’s this semester so much more tiring than the last

Why's this semester so much more tiring than the last
Why’s this semester so much more tiring than the last

Spring semester always seems to be rougher on humans than fall. With fall you have all the energy saved up from the summer, but spring semester starts suddenly and it tends to be cold and snowy, and that makes everything a little more physically challenging, too. Take care of yourself. Get lots of rest. Try and stay cozy and warm.

Why is it so cold in Boston?

Why is it so cold in Boston?
Why is it so cold in Boston?

It has always been thus. Actually, it’s not as cold as it once was. The “Little Ice Age” that bedeviled Europe & North America for several hundred years ended at about the onset of the 20th Century. Colonial era Boston was much colder than now. For warmth, I recommend the hot chocolate at El Pelon and a scarf and hat.

Isn’t it unfair that BC doesn’t give financial aid to international students unlike Harvard, MIT, Amherst, etc.?

Isn't it unfair that BC doesn't give financial aid to international students unlike Harvard, MIT, Amherst, etc.? How can we attract the best of the world if it is unaffordable to go here ??!? #injustice
Isn’t it unfair that BC doesn’t give financial aid to international students unlike Harvard, MIT, Amherst, etc.? How can we attract the best of the world if it is unaffordable to go here ??!? #injustice

Well, my assistants called around campus, and though I don’t have an answer to “why,” I do have a clarification: BC does not offer financial aid to students who are not permanent residents or citizens. This is a decision made at levels higher than, say, the Student Services office, who only carries out policy. Federal financial aid, on the other hand, is only ever available to permanent residents or citizens. If you want to challenge that policy, I suggest garnering support from UGBC and approaching the administration.