![Can you please ANSWER the question? !!!???](https://library.bc.edu/answerwall/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/aw022719-5.jpg)
I will do the best I can. I’ve had my assistants contact offices who might have some answers, but you will likely need to do some follow-up work to get more complete ones than will fit on a post-it.
Answering questions at Boston College O’Neill Library
I will do the best I can. I’ve had my assistants contact offices who might have some answers, but you will likely need to do some follow-up work to get more complete ones than will fit on a post-it.
I don’t know if anyone is holding it up, but the BC Notice of Nondiscrimination recommends that people “…are welcome to raise any questions regarding this notice with the Executive Director for Institutional Diversity.” That person is Patricia Lowe, patricia.lowe@bc.edu , 617-552-3334
I am neither judge nor jury in that case, so the answer will have to wait until the process is complete.
I will have my assistants find out which office you need to talk to for this information.
Update from the Dean of Students office: “No, a student cannot be required to go on a leave of absence just for a suicide attempt. The university does, however, have an Involuntary Leave of Absence Policy (bit.ly/BC-inv-LOA) that can be applied in extreme/rare circumstances, e.g. in situations where a student demonstrates behavior that poses a threat to health or safety or is significantly disruptive to the University learning environment. Even when used, this policy requires an individualized assessment of the situation and every attempt would be made to find solutions that are not mandated leaves. Over the last few years, this policy has been applied only a couple of times. If you would like to talk with someone more about this policy, please contact Caroline Davis, Associate Dean for Student Outreach & Support at caroline.davis.2@bc.edu, 617-552-3470 or by stopping by 448 Maloney Hall to schedule an appointment.”
“Best” hospital could be defined in any number of ways. There are many hospitals in the area that are among the best in the country by a variety of measures: Mass General, Beth Israel, Brigham & Women’s, Children’s, & Tufts are all national leaders. I will have my assistants look into whether there is data available on the most common destinations for BC students. (Keep in mind, though, that decision is up to the student if they are conscious.)
It sounds like you or someone you know has been having some frustrations with UCS referrals? Sorry about that. I do know they’ve been working hard to keep up with the caseload. I will have my assistants confer with a few other offices & see what they can find out.
Snow days are rare at Boston College, as administration considers this a residential campus. They do seem to have been more open to following city/state recommendations in the past few years though and have cancelled classes accordingly. Just wait for the next big one!
BC’s position, as communicated to the staff LGBT@BC group in 2017, is that gender identity, protected by Massachusetts law, is included in the notice’s reference “… and to comply with state law prohibiting discrimination…” (bit.ly/BC-nondiscrimination). Chris Polt, an assistant professor in Classics, studied statements at other Jesuit institutions. Perhaps GLC or another student LGBTQ group could contact Chris for his findings and ask for further clarification from the BC administration.
Ryan (M), Keuchly (M), Flutie (M). What can I say? They’re all eagles.
Thanks for the observation; I’ll let my assistants know. I’ve also watched a lot of
I shy away from predictions. The elements that make a winning team are complex: players with skills that complement each other, coaching staff that can inspire players and
2 terrific schools to chose from. But very different. Ask yourself: do you want a huge, state university with a warm climate or a mid-sized, Catholic university with a cold climate? Which has more to offer in the fields you are interested in studying? Does the idea of a university that is committed to the formation of the whole student (BC) appeal to to you or drive you away? And., of course, which do you prefer, earthquakes or blizzards? Only you can know!
If your question arises from his silence following recent racist incidents, he probably believes that the appropriate people are addressing the issue. Such an approach does not reflect hate but a different way of thinking about how to respond to campus incidents. As with any communications issue, it’s always better to speak directly with the other person, so I’d suggest also asking Fr. Leahy your question.
That depends on what type of history you expect the journal to cover. Ancient Europe – maybe something greek or latin. Pre-columbian North America –
Well, they did cancel classes after 4:30 … Snow days are rare at Boston College, as administration considers this a residential campus. They do seem to have been more open to following city/state recommendations in the past few years though and have cancelled classes accordingly. Just wait for the next big one!
Preeety sure “Jesuit College President Is Actually Unicorn” and “Unicorns Really Exist” are headlines I would have seen. Also, presumably there would be more hoof prints and sparkles on the lawns.
Aside from persistence & reviewing all the employment links (bit.ly/bc-student-jobs), I’m sorry to say I don’t have many bright ideas. Ask all of your professors if they need a research assistant? (That usually takes time, though, even if they do: they’d need to go through a process of getting budget approval.)
The folks in Auxiliary Services said Coke is in the process of replacing all the Eagle Card readers with new ones that accept both credit cards and Eagle Cards, and that they’re about halfway through the process. If there’s a particular machine that should accept Eagle ID’s and doesn’t (accepted payments are identified with stickers), contact the vending company via the phone number on the machine. Soon, the snack company will also be updating their machines to accept Eagle IDs.
According to the FedEx website, there is a drop box outside the Cadigan Alumni Center on Brighton campus. There is also one inside Merkert: if you go in the lower level door (the door that faces Conte Forum), the box is just to the left.
Here! Or 140 Commonwealth Ave. Chestnut Hill, MA 02467 (although that’s technically all of BC). Or at plus code 8RPJ+C8 Newton, Massachusetts. Or at coordinates 42.3365389,-71.1691414. Oh. You can also find O’Neill online at library.bc.edu. Or on Twitter and IG @bclibraries (although those are also for other libraries at BC too). O’Neill is everywhere.