What is Fuego?

What is Fuego?
What is Fuego?

According to Urban Dictionary, it means really cool..But there are 6 other possible uses that they describe: bit.ly/FuegoMeans. I’d be careful using it – you’re playing with fire… unless you mean… FuegoDelCorazonBC… in which case you’re playing with fire!

how do graduate

how do graduate
how do graduate

If you mean how do you complete the work in order to graduate, it’s simple but not easy: work hard, maintain focus, complete all the requirements. Talk to your advisor & professors often. If you mean what are the practical details of graduation, aka commencement, they are here: bit.ly/bc-commencement. Good luck, and hope to see you in your cap & gown!



Dogs! Brain Break! Next Wednesday, April 10, O’Neill 3rd Floor Reading Room, 7-11pm. Dogs, chair massage, desk yoga, origami, button-maker, games, puzzles, coffee, snacks… .

While you wait for the Brain Break dogs to appear, why not vote on cute dogs and help a student philosophy project? Visit the Cute Dog Project, an online experiment in democratic theory, social choice theory, value theory, critical theory, philosophy of science, and information ethics. And cute dogs! bit.ly/neu-cute-dog

How to realize world peace?

How to realize world peace?
How to realize world peace?

Tall order! Start local: be an examplar of how to live with minimal harm, with respect for others. (And when that fails, at least patience & tolerance.) Do more asking and listening than making yourself heard. Make room for voices that aren’t often heard. Grant those around you dignity and agency. When you encounter injustice, say so, and do what you can to correct it, because peace is unlikely without justice. When you make mistakes, apologize and make amends. There are many courses at BC in political science, philosophy, sociology, and theology that address issues of peace and justice.

Who won Showdown?

Who won Showdown?
Who won Showdown?

It’s tomorrow – I’m not great at predicting the future, but I will predict that there will be some amazing dancing! Best of luck to all contestants!

Can I get a refund? From BC.

Can I get a refund? From BC.
Can I get a refund? From BC.

I’m sorry you feel that would be necessary. Not every higher ed institution is a perfect match for everyone. And to answer your question, no. It’s a big investment, so that’s a hard pill to swallow, but your coursework from BC will count at any institution you’d like to transfer to. Colleges & universities try hard to make sure applicants fit the school and vice versa, because it’s such a big investment for everyone. Whatever happens, I hope you find what you’re looking for.

Why does BC support Racism?

Why does BC support Racism?
Why does BC support Racism?

BC probably doesn’t support systemic racism more or less than most other American institutions. Assumptions about race are inevitable in a nation with several hundred years of chattel slavery followed by 100 years of legally enforced racial laws (that ended during the living memories of Americans over 60). These assumptions take active attention to bring to light, and often take difficult conversations to dismantle. BC does make efforts through the Office of Institutional Diversity (bit.ly/BC-OID), and has publicly stated a commitment to nondiscrimination (bit.ly/BC-nondiscrimination). Please help BC maintain its promise by talking to the OID & other offices about deficiencies you’ve seen.

Do you want a UCLA sweatshirt?

Do you want a UCLA sweatshirt?
Do you want a UCLA sweatshirt?

Thanks so much for the generous offer! But I’m a) a Wall, and finding a sweatshirt that fits has always been challenging and b) I’m at BC, and there’s plenty of good team gear here. So, no thank you, but I’ll keep an ear out for my California cousins.

I noticed the same person posted 12 or 13 notes on suicide/sec 12/LOA… are you alright?

I noticed the same person posted 12 or 13 notes on suicide/sec 12/LOA... are you alright? I mean that completely in an "I care about you" way. I see you, I hear you, and I worry it's not just for info/research but for yourself. Holding hope for you. [response1: Speak up--you matter. Stay Fearless. Always. Response2: Thank you for the kind words. Yes -- I'm alright. BC has great support & resources the Dean of Students Office, UCS, this wall, and everyone. So I do also encourage ppl reach out should they need help, and pls show great appreciation to the faculty/staff. P.S. The question are mostly about resource & policy, NOT suicide. But, still appreciate your kindness]
I noticed the same person posted 12 or 13 notes on suicide/sec 12/LOA… are you alright? I mean that completely in an “I care about you” way. I see you, I hear you, and I worry it’s not just for info/research but for yourself. Holding hope for you. [response1: Speak up–you matter. Stay Fearless. Always. Response2: Thank you for the kind words. Yes — I’m alright. BC has great support & resources the Dean of Students Office, UCS, this wall, and everyone. So I do also encourage ppl reach out should they need help, and pls show great appreciation to the faculty/staff. P.S. The question are mostly about resource & policy, NOT suicide. But, still appreciate your kindness]

Thank you for your care and support! Your caring note has inspired this Wall to help people care for people. Many people around us are suffering silently. If you know of someone who’s suffering, put a note of care & support here for them. (No names, please, to protect privacy.) [posted on a temporary wall annex in O’Neill Library: I’m sorry, there’s no capacity to accept notes of care and concern on this blog.]

Thank you for the great answers, great offices & resource & people on this campus.

Thank you for the great answers, great offices & resource & people on this campus. I'll try not to bother this wall anymore after these few questions about referrals, hospitalization, HIPAA, & confidentiality, etc. ❤️ P.S. UCS is great so pls do seek support and don't be discouraged because of these previous posted questions.
Thank you for the great answers, great offices & resource & people on this campus. I’ll try not to bother this wall anymore after these few questions about referrals, hospitalization, HIPAA, & confidentiality, etc. ❤️ P.S. UCS is great so pls do seek support and don’t be discouraged because of these previous posted questions.

You’re welcome. I hope your posts have inspired other people who need help to seek it.

Will your grade/classwork/academic be affected if you seek support and get hospitalized?

Will your grade/classwork/academic be affected if you seek support and get hospitalized? --Just curious.
Will your grade/classwork/academic be affected if you seek support and get hospitalized? –Just curious.

It would be the same as for any hospitalization, such as for a broken bone or an acute infection. I’d stay in close contact with your advisor, who can send notices to your professors about a medically-excused absence. It would be wise to contact your professors yourself, too, when you’re able, in order to arrange ways to make up lost work, get class notes, etc.