4 deaths in 4 months… wrong?

4 deaths in 4 months... wrong? [drawings of hearts & stars obscure text]
4 deaths in 4 months… wrong? [drawings of hearts & stars obscure text]

It’s sad and disheartening. All the walls at BC will miss them. I like the drawings of hearts and stars, though. Thanks for those, whoever added them. If I had arms I’d offer you a hug. Please know that the walls of the library and all the other campus buildings are here to support you, and there are many humans, too, who can do the same: friends, family, BC’s professors and staff. We all want the same thing: that everyone here will thrive. Counseling (bit.ly/BC-counseling) and pastoral counseling (bit.ly/bc-pastoral-counseling) are always available.

Why do people double park in the Comm Ave parking lot.

Why do people double park in the Comm Ave parking lot. Also why do they drive opposite of the one way. Almost had so many collisions.
Why do people double park in the Comm Ave parking lot. Also why do they drive opposite of the one way. Almost had so many collisions.

I can’t see double parking in that garage as being anything other than a selfish and discourteous act (except in extreme emergencies, perhaps, and by that I don’t mean running late for an exam.) But the wrong way driving, which my helpers have seen from time to time, is clearly due to people getting confused or being unfamiliar with the roads on campus. Still scary, though.

Why does that banner in the lobby say “help to keep ‘Bill’s’ products safe”?

Why does that banner in the lobby say "help to keep 'Bill's' products safe"?
Why does that banner in the lobby say “help to keep ‘Bill’s’ products safe”?

The literal meaning is products from Microsoft, the company Bill Gates founded. Why it’s phrased that way on the banner is anybody’s guess. Light humor? Good security practices are really about keeping yourself – your identity and access to your private information – safe. Bill’s products will be just fine.

How do I graduate early?

How do I graduate early?
How do I graduate early?

According to the University Catalog, there are 2 ways to graduate in <4 years; Advanced Standing through AP exams, and Acceleration by taking summer courses at BC and more than 15 credits per semester. More info is here (see “Graduation”): bit.ly/BCAcadPols, but in any case, talking to your Academic Advisor is the first step.

To be honest which school is better? BC or Brandeis?

To be honest which school is better? BC or Brandeis?
To be honest which school is better? BC or Brandeis?

“Better” for schools is not really an objective thing, despite the attempts of the people who do rankings. “Better for people who study X” is a little more knowable. But it still ultimately comes down to where you personally feel comfortable, because a very short time after college you’ll begin to find that people are more interested in what you’ve done than where you went. Brandeis has some really fine, upstanding walls, though..

What is the construction going on by Devlin/Fulton?

What is the construction going on by Devlin/Fulton?
What is the construction going on by Devlin/Fulton?

Good question! I don’t know the answer, but I’ll have my assistants work on finding out, and post an answer here when I know.
Update 7/17/18: My helpers tell me that Facilities Management says it’s several things all at once: manhole reconstruction, with some steam line upgrades, and renovation of the basement auditorium and stairwells in Devlin. All of these impact that outside lawn area.

How do I get into BC?

How do I get into BC?
How do I get into BC?

I’ll admit it’s not easy (but they let me in…) I recommend following the requirements here: bit.ly/BC-admissions to the letter. Take your time and do your best work on the essays, and get teachers who think highly of you to write your recommendations (and give them plenty of lead time.) Best wishes!

Library should be open 24/5 over the summer still! Please?

Library should be open 24/5 over the summer still! Please?
Library should be open 24/5 over the summer still! Please?

My library associates tend to make decisions about when to be open based on when there are people here. If the main floor looked like it does during exam week at all hours during the summer we’d be open all the time. But it doesn’t. We’re glad you’re here, though.

However I can say that Fr. leahy sj is a guy that no cares about BC

However I can say that Fr. leahy sj is a guy that no cares about BC, nor he does care about helping others ? [redacted text]
However I can say that Fr. leahy sj is a guy that no cares about BC, nor he does care about helping others ? [redacted text]

I understand why you might feel this way, but remember that people show care and affection in different ways. While Fr. Leahy may not display his care for BC and others in the way you want, his years of service and his work to grow BC in terms of reputation, endowment and improved infrastructure are evidence that he does care. Also, regarding the blacked out text, please see my policy (above) regarding posts: “Derogatory or potentially hurtful language … will be removed.”

Why is that the Pride parade has BU, Harvard, Northeastern, Suffolk, and more teams from colleges around the area, but there’s no BC team? Except the BC rainbow?

Why is that the Pride parade has BU, Harvard, Northeastern, Suffolk, and more teams from colleges around the area, but there's no BC team? Except the BC rainbow?
Why is that the Pride parade has BU, Harvard, Northeastern, Suffolk, and more teams from colleges around the area, but there’s no BC team? Except the BC rainbow?

Participants in the Boston Pride Parade are volunteers, and groups need to sign up to march. It sounds like someone at BC needs to take the initiative to form the group and register with Boston Pride. Maybe you’re that person! You might also be interested in our Pride book display going on now in the lobby.

I’m sad @ BC over the summer, what should I do?

I'm sad @ BC over the summer, what should I do?

I’m sorry you’re down. If it’s just an ordinary sad feeling, I’d recommend staying busy, making sure to interact with people, and getting lots of fresh air in this finally lovely weather. But if you are feeling overwhelmed by the sadness, or it doesn’t go away, please consider contacting Counseling Services (bit.ly/BC-counseling), They can help!

Graduated a few weeks ago but haven’t left Boston until now. By BC & O’Neill =)

Graduated a few weeks ago but haven't left Boston until now. By BC & O'Neill =) 2019/06/04
Graduated a few weeks ago but haven’t left Boston until now. By BC & O’Neill =) 2019/06/04

Thanks for the visit! Bye, best of luck with everything, and hope to see you again soon & hear about your adventures!

But whoever wrote this will never see your reply
But whoever wrote this will never see your reply

Hopefully they’re looking at our online blog for the reply! You can check it out too at library.bc.edu/answerwall

That person can go on the wall's blog, right? And a bye doesn't always need a reply ~ =)
That person can go on the wall’s blog, right? And a bye doesn’t always need a reply ~ =)

Great minds think alike! Yes, they can see the answer on the blog: library.bc.edu/answerwall. And you’re right, a goodbye message doesn’t always need a reply, but when the goodbye is public, a reply is nice. The sender might not see it, but others will, and there’s never harm in spreading good will.