What is the meaning of life?

What is the meaning of life?
What is the meaning of life?

I suggest taking a look at my answer to a similar question, and I’ll emphasize that there isn’t a single meaning for everyone. I have faith that you’ll find a purpose that works for you.

What do I do if I’m perpetually lonely and don’t know if I’ll find love, or I finally get the chance and I royally screw it up?

What do I do if I'm perpetually lonely and don't know if I'll find love, or I finally get the chance and I royally screw it up?
What do I do if I’m perpetually lonely and don’t know if I’ll find love, or I finally get the chance and I royally screw it up?

Perpetually lonely is not good. I highly recommend BC Counseling Services (https://bit.ly/BCUCSOptions) to get some support. But, I can say, don’t lose hope. Loneliness is not a permanent state, you will overcome this.

What advice would you give us as freshman? Thank you for all that you do! <3

What advice would you give us as freshman? Thank you for all that you do!
What advice would you give us as freshman? Thank you for all that you do! <3

Now that you’re here, your GPA is only important on two occasions: 1) getting into grad school, 2) your first job, when you don’t have a lot of experience to show. No one will ever care about it again. It’s a better long-term idea to focus on learning how to learn, learning how to relate to other people, and learning how to be your best self.

Do you think people should be forgiven even when they have done so much harm to others?

Do you think people should be forgiven even when they have done so much harm to others?
Do you think people should be forgiven even when they have done so much harm to others?

If you’re talking about religious forgiveness, I suggest talking with a pastoral counselor (bit.ly/bc-pastoral-counseling). It might also be worth exploring restorative or transformative justice, and the kind of truth and reconciliation processes that helped make peace in S. Africa and Rwanda. One helper recommended On Repentance and Repair by Danya Ruttenberg (O’Neill Library Call # BL476.7 .R88 2022) for the point of view of the one who did harm and how to make amends. Another recommended Free of Charge: Giving and Forgiving in a Culture Stripped of Grace, by Miroslav Volf.

Is there a support group for students who lose a parent?

My Mom died + I feel like I don't have anyone that really gets it. It's been a few months and I'm not over it still. Is there a support group for students who lose a parent? I need more support right now.
My Mom died + I feel like I don’t have anyone that really gets it. It’s been a few months and I’m not over it still. Is there a support group for students who lose a parent? I need more support right now.

I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s clear you feel isolated, and it’s good to reach out to others. Here’s a helpful page about the journey of grieving in college provided by Campus Ministry: bit.ly/college-grief, who also sponsors a peer grief support network: bit.ly/bc-peer-grief. Counseling is another option For counseling with a spiritual context: bit.ly/bc-pastoral-counseling. For regular counseling: bit.ly/BC-counseling. I wish you peace and strength in your journey.

Hi! I am so sad.

Hi! I am so sad.
Hi! I am so sad.

I’m so sorry you’re sad. Please accept this virtual hug! If I had arms I’d give you a real one. I hope you have some friends with arms and ears who can listen and hug. If you find the sadness persisting intrusively or you can’t find someone who can listen, consider a student wellness coach: bit.ly/BC-wellness-coach.

Should I just give up?

Should I just give up?
<!–tShould I just give up?

Depends on what you’re talking about. If you mean life, no, never. If you are having thoughts like that, please, please talk with someone right now (University Counseling bit.ly/BC-counseling.) If it is a class or a project or something else, it is worth talking to the other people involved or a trusted advisor, and weighing the pros and cons.

Why does suffering exist in the world? *different post-it response* It might be the tasks given by God. If we don’t go through suffering than we won’t treat this kind of experience seriously which means we won’t take the lessons. The suffering, tasks given by God is handable stuff he trust us. After the suffering, we learn & grow. Eventually, suffering is a kind of blessing

Why does suffering exist in the world?  *different post-it response*  It might be the tasks given by God. If we don't go through suffering than we won't treat this kind of experience seriously which means we won't take the lessons. The suffering, tasks given by God is handable stuff he trust us. After the suffering, we learn & grow. Eventually, suffering is a kind of blessing
Why does suffering exist in the world? *different post-it response* It might be the tasks given by God. If we don’t go through suffering than we won’t treat this kind of experience seriously which means we won’t take the lessons. The suffering, tasks given by God is handable stuff he trust us. After the suffering, we learn & grow. Eventually, suffering is a kind of blessing

Suffering is a hard problem in philosophy and religion, and there are lots of possible explanations. Here are a few from my friend, the Encyclopedia of Religion: https://bit.ly/bc-suffer