The circle may give a better sense of what the electrons are actually doing, but the lines may help when you’re trying to relate specific things going on with the bonds. Both are generally recognized and understood.
Answering questions at Boston College O’Neill Library
The circle may give a better sense of what the electrons are actually doing, but the lines may help when you’re trying to relate specific things going on with the bonds. Both are generally recognized and understood.
You can certainly ask, but you should have a solid reason. I would lay out the reasons in a logical and calm manner. Professors are very used to students asking for a better grade for unreasonable reasons, so having a good case to make should help you. Also, if necessary, you can appeal the grade: bit.ly/BCGradeAppeal
One of the nicest parts of my job as an answerer is that I can support students and not have to grade them. I don’t envy my faculty friends who have to do that.
Start by reading the assignment thoroughly. If you are having trouble picking a topic, try going to your professor’s office hours and discussing it. Once you have a topic, schedule a consultation with the History Librarian (libguides.bc.edu/history) to work on a literature search. In future, consider submitting your paper to the Online Writing Lab at the CFLC (bit.ly/BC-OWL) for suggestions before you submit it to your professor – but they are closed after 12/9, so it may not work with your timeline.
SAT scores are just one poor indicator of freshman year success. The picture presented by a student’s application; essays, grades, the courses they have taken, their extracurricular activities, etc., provides a richer set of data for Admissions. The Admissions website leads with “We’re educating men and women who shape the world with vision, justice, and charity. ” SAT scores are not going to select for those qualities.
I’m sorry you’re having a bad experience in math. I doubt your teacher hates you; if you’re struggling, it’s more likely they’re feeling compassion, because teachers really do want all of their students to succeed. If you’re having difficulty, I recommend both meeting with your professor for help and meeting with tutors in the CFLC: bit.ly/BC-connors
My advanced math assistants have not yet responded; I hope to have an answer tomorrow. In the meantime, I’d like to clarify whether I’ve represented your post accurately in typeset: ω ∈ C cube root unity, P prime. Then (P) ∈ Z[ω] maximal, ⇔ in Fp has no solution to x^2+x+1?
Update 12/5: My assistants had to travel many moons and across many mountains to find a wise person who could answer this question. Here is his answer: The notation to me asks, “We are looking for solutions omega, in the complex plane that satisfy the polynomial P and want to know if they are, or are not deMoivre numbers, that is, complex numbers that when raised to an integer power (in this case 3 from the cube root) produce the value of 1. Both roots of this polynomial satisfy this as I have shown. I’m not sure by Fp, whether they are referring to the function space of polynomials, the antiderivative, the derivative or a field relationship. I’m also not sure what they are looking for with respect to the prime constraint, all the coefficients are 1, 1 is defined NOT to be prime so I’m not sure how to satisfy that issue. For more info, try this online textbook on Algebraic Number Theory from Stanford U: bit.ly/stanford-number-theory
Many students have that feeling, but sometimes it is unwarranted. Take steps now to improve your odds for this semester and make a plan for next. If you’re really failing classes, make an appointment with the professor and your advisor right now. If you’re on the cusp, talk to them and get peer tutoring at the CFLC before they close for the semester on Dec. 9. Wishing you passing grades, but many of my helpers have failed a class – while it seems like the end of the world, it truly is not.
You’re setting the (h-)bar really high. I may be reduced to walking the Planck and sinking into the wave function.
IDK. You might want to raise that question with your professor or advisor to get some clarification, if you don’t feel Jesuit principles have a bearing on your thesis. It’s possible their explanations will help you locate some relevant principles you can include. Not knowing your course of study or the subject of your thesis, I can’t really be any more precise.
You are not your grades, or your work, or the idea of yourself that you or others have. Be gentle with yourself, maybe talk to your advisor and some faculty in your major about what you could improve, but don’t take it as a judgment on you, because it’s not. Figure out what you need to do to get where you want to go, let people know about it, and you will sometimes find that the world finds ways to help you. I have great confidence in you, you’ll be fine.
It’s logical. But complex.
Get the assignment, the readings, data, etc. that you need for the project assembled on your desk/open on your computer. Open up whatever software you’ll be using to complete the project and create the file. Now you’re off to a running start. Or try working with a friend to hold yourselves accountable to deadlines (and set those deadlines comfortably ahead of due dates, because…. things happen.) And consider Academic Coaching at the CFLC to develop good time management habits: bit.ly/BC-connors.
Because they are great friends and just too much fun! Three possible solutions: find some study buddies who aren’t your regular friends, but are very serious students; make a pact with your friends to study for x amount of time and reward yourselves with a specific fun activity; or make studying a solitary habit, and meet up with your friends later.
Stress can do that. Make space in your schedule for the parts of it you enjoy, rather than the stuff you’re working on for class. Or take a break for a while and do other things. Sometimes coming back to it fresh helps with that kind of thing.
I checked with my contacts in the Academic Advising Center, and they told me that, for this semester, it will not have a numerical value or affect your GPA. Once the grade is given next semester, it will count towards your GPA.
Your major does not limit you to a particular career. A few careers require a particular major, but even with some of those you can go back and fill in necessary classes later. It’s worthwhile to explore what you can do with a philosophy major with a counselor at the Career Center (bit.ly/BC-career). You may appreciate this interactive site on where BC grads land by major: bit.ly/MajorToJob. The #1 answer may surprise you!
Totally agree. Philosophy blends well with lots of careers. Stop by BC’s Career Center and talk with a coach about what sorts of things philosophy grads do. You’ll be pleasantly surprised. http://bit.ly/CareerCtrMajors
I confirmed with the Academic Advising Center that you do need to wait until then. They also wanted to let you know that if you have below a 3.0, you would need to get an overload approval form filled out and signed by the Academic Dean.
BC culture puts a high value on seeming like you have everything together, all the time. Almost no-one does, and, if you look at what your peers post to me, you’ll see there are a lot of hidden problems. But BC also has a lot of various types of help available to you, and I hope you take advantage: CFLC for peer tutoring (bit.ly/BC-connors), University Counseling to discuss having a hard time with everything (bit.ly/BC-counseling).
The uncertainty principle states that the position of an object cannot be known simultaneously with its momentum. The more precisely one quantity can be determined, the less precisely the other is known. In terms of helping you study, yes we can. I am certain of that (see what I did there?… I am “certain” of that… got it?…) You can contact the Connors Family Center, located at O’Neill’s second floor. They offer tutoring assistance in general and organic Chemistry. bit.ly/BC-connors