Why do toddler farts smell so bad?

Why do toddler farts smell so bad?
Why do toddler farts smell so bad?

Most toddlers’ gas is not much different than an adult’s gas, however toddlers may not have control over their gas, and therefore it may be more noticable. However, if a toddler has very foul smelling gas, it could be signs of a digestive track problem or allergy- a visit to the doctor may be in order.

Should I hook up with my freshman year hook up?

Should I hook up with my freshman year hook-up before I graduate in a month?
Should I hook up with my freshman year hook-up before I graduate in a month?

If the desire is mutual and consenting, and no one get hurts (read: current partners)…well…wait, I’m not able to make this decision for you. But I will give you a few things to consider before you decide to take the leap.

Is it okay to sell out for money?

Is it okay to sell out for money?
Is it okay to sell out for money?

There are many circumstances where that’s probably OK. Kids are hungry and there’s no other way to feed them? Sure. But pure greed? I wouldn’t advise it. Best to stick as close to your dreams/mission in life as you can, or you’ll probably regret it later on.

This guy I like wants me to participate in an orgy…

This guy I like wants me to participate in an orgy or "group love ritual". This makes me nervous but excites me. Should I?
This guy I like wants me to participate in an orgy or “group love ritual”. This makes me nervous but excites me. Should I?

Totally up to you and what you’re comfortable with. I’d want to have a conversation about safe words and boundaries and make sure everybody is a) comfortable talking about that and b) more or less on the same page. You might find some useful advice in this book: http://bit.ly/bc-ethical

How to find a boyfriend? (I’m gay!!)

How to find a boyfriend? (I'm gay!!)
How to find a boyfriend? (I’m gay!!) RT

Try making friends first! Get involved with LGBT groups on campus and in the Boston community to broaden your social circle AND your dating pool. LGBT people have historically had fewer opportunities to meet and court, so LGBT groups and bars are a good way to make connections — and find some elders who may have even better advice!

My pee hurts

My pee hurts
My pee hurts

University Health Services (bit.ly/BostonCollegeHealth) for you, please! IAAWNAD, but you don’t want to ignore potential infections in that region – and why suffer when you don’t have to?

Kirkwood Tickler? Should my feet be scared?

Kirkwood Tickler? Should my feet be scared?
Kirkwood Tickler? Should my feet be scared?

The Kirkwood Tickler seems to have peaked in 2014, although there are still occasional claims about their exploits today,. The chances of you being a victim are relatively slim, and it’s not generally a good idea to spend your life scared of all the potential crimes that could happen to you (especially in a city). Maybe just try wearing socks to bed?

What is Fuego?

What is Fuego?
What is Fuego?

According to Urban Dictionary, it means really cool..But there are 6 other possible uses that they describe: bit.ly/FuegoMeans. I’d be careful using it – you’re playing with fire… unless you mean… FuegoDelCorazonBC… in which case you’re playing with fire!

how do I get a boyfriend

how do I get a boyfriend
how do I get a boyfriend

It may seem counterintuitive, but stop looking for one! Be yourself, pursue your passions, and be the best You that you can be, and you’ll be surprised how quickly a cute guy falls into your lap.

Why do you make the coffee machine credit card only on 1st floor?

Why do you make the coffee machine credit card only on 1st floor?
Why do you make the coffee machine credit card only on 1st floor?

Alas! The library has no control over the vending machines. They are serviced by vending companies who contract with the BC office called Auxiliary Services, who has steadily been working with those companies to have machines updated to accpet Eagle ID’s. If the machine should take some other form of payment (i.e., cash) but doesn’t, please call the toll-free service number on the machine.

Can you call yourself 6 ft tall if you are really 5’10.5

Can you call yourself 6 ft tall if you are really 5'10.5
Can you call yourself 6 ft tall if you are really 5’10.5

Look, I truly know what it’s like to not be as tall as you wish you were. I’m hardly The Great Wall of China, myself. But saying you’re taller than you are is only going to make people doubt your credibility on other issues. Stand tall and show the world what five-foot-ten-and-a-half can accomplish.


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Are you Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?

Are you Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?
Are you Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?

You’ve heard of fence-sitting, right? I’m the fence itself. This is not a decision a Wall needs to make, because walls don’t procreate or give birth. Being a Wall in a library, I can guide you to many, many resources. For a bioethics perspective, try an article in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy on Pregnancy, Birth, and Medicine: bit.ly/sep-pregnancy. To get a sense of the many different perspectives on this thorny moral issue, do a subject search on abortion in the library catalog, and scan all the subjects that are related: law, religion, moral & ethical aspects, pro-life movement, government policy, pro-choice movements, political aspects, Catholic Church, medical ethics… it’s a long list, which means deciding is potentially a very complex struggle.