What advice would you give us as freshman? Thank you for all that you do! <3

What advice would you give us as freshman? Thank you for all that you do!
What advice would you give us as freshman? Thank you for all that you do! <3

Now that you’re here, your GPA is only important on two occasions: 1) getting into grad school, 2) your first job, when you don’t have a lot of experience to show. No one will ever care about it again. It’s a better long-term idea to focus on learning how to learn, learning how to relate to other people, and learning how to be your best self.

How can I be more charming?

How can I be more charming?
How can I be more charming?

There are many ideas about this, but generally try to actively listen to what someone is saying and show genuine interest in their lives. Have warm, positive body language (a brief smile with raised eyebrows and keeping eye contact for example) to make folks you interact with feel at ease. Be a bit vulnerable to show you are authentic and folks around you can be themselves. Expressing humor and finding points of connection are a bonus but take time and practice to get right. 

Should I go to the doctor or is it all in my head?

Should I go to the doctor or is it all in my head?
Should I go to the doctor or is it all in my head?

If you’re concerned about your physical or mental health in any way, it is usually a good idea to speak with a doctor, counselor, or other care professional. There are a number of services available at BC to connect you with someone you can talk to, even if it just for peace of mind (the worst that they can is that you’re fine)! 
BC Health Services (https://bit.ly/BostonCollegeHealth)
BC Counseling Services (https://bit.ly/BCUCSOptions) 

What are your thoughts on whats going on in South Korea? #MartialLaw

What are your thoughts on whats going on in South Korea? #MartialLaw
What are your thoughts on whats going on in South Korea? #MartialLaw

Yoon’s martial law was illegally called, and reminded citizens of past traumatic instances of autoritarian rule. I’m on the edge of my board waiting to see if Yoon will be impeached successfully. My thoughts are still tangled up as I read up on the history in South Korea. International Studies Department here at BC has a lot of great classes on Korea– there’s even a new one this coming spring semester EALC2330-01 that sounds really interesting.



Freedom is an important idea but in the case of Luigi Mangione (who I think you are referring to), it’s a bit tricky because we have to consider together whether or not his actions were justified, whether or not it is ethical to take a life, which forms of justice are appropriate in which circumstances, and what is the rule of law. While there, unfortunately, is not a single answer to these questions, a library helper told me that it can be helpful to take a step back and think about the broader issues that are shaping our opinions, such as justice and violence. One of my library helpers suggested that the Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace and Conflict might be a good place to start, particularly the article “Critiques of Violence” by BC Professor Greg Fried which explores religious and philosophical thinking on when violence is just vs. unjust (https://bit.ly/critiques-violence), along with articles on White Collar Crime and Political Assassinations. They also recommend checking out an entry on the topic of justice in the New Dictionary of the History of Ideas, which gives a history of conceptions of justice (https://bit.ly/justice-overview). I hope this helps!

Why do men hurt my feelings?

Why do men hurt my feelings?
Why do men hurt my feelings?

I’m sorry to hear that. Only you can know if you want to have a conversation about the hurt or if you want to take it as a redirection and focus your energy on other people. Both paths have their own challenges. *Insert Wall Hug here*

How to decenter men

How to decenter men
How to decenter men

Perhaps one way to decenter men in your daily life is to focus on building strong relationships with friends – especially female friends. Podcasters Aminatou Sow and Ann Friedman wrote a book called “Big Friendship” a few years ago about the work that goes into sustaining those relationships (bit.ly/BigFriendshipBook), and Rhaina Cohen’s more recent “The Other Significant Others” considers the way our world could expand if we picked our friends to be our life partners (bit.ly/OtherSignificantOthersBook). Decentering men in other areas, such as workplaces or academia, requires tackling some entrenched historical systems. You might find this article on “Rooting Out the Masculine Defaults in Your Workplace,” which was written by two psychologists, an interesting place to start (bit.ly/MasculineDefaults).