What do we do if we’re too cute for homework??? <3

What do we do if we're too cute for homework???
What do we do if we’re too cute for homework??? <3

Then it’s a really good thing that in college you have a bunch of different assignments (essays, readings, discussions, papers, projects, etc.) and not homework! 🙂 Seriously, there’s a lot more work to do in the college setting and you will need to be able to figure out how best you can address it all. The Connors Family Learning Center (bit.ly/BC-connors) has lots of great resources to add to that cuteness so you can do the best you can. P.S. I actually think all of the students who pass by me are kinda cute. <3 <3 <3

What are some good books on how to read better/be more analytical?

What are some good books on how to read better/be more analytical?
What are some good books on how to read better/be more analytical?

For being more analytical: Thinking Fast and Slow, by Daniel Kahneman (O’Neill Library BF441 .K238 2011). For reading: How to Read a Book, by Mortimer J. Adler (O’Neill Library & Theology & Ministry Library PN83 .A43 1972) For other, more practical recommendations, I’d advise a visit to the Academic Coach at the Connors Family Learning Center: bit.ly/BC-connors

Why do I feel like such a misfit? Why do I feel like no one cares about my feelings?

Why do I feel like such a misfit? Why do I feel like no one cares about my feelings?
Why do I feel like such a misfit? Why do I feel like no one cares about my feelings?

Sigh… we all feel these things, but most people, wanting to project an image of total competence & happiness, don’t say so. Sometimes I feel like a weird, dimly lit wall that doesn’t really fit in with other walls, and at those times, I feel lonely, like other walls don’t care. I recommend pursuing your interests to the utmost & not worrying about whether you fit in. But feeling like nobody cares about you is another issue; if it’s hard to shake that feeling, I recommend seeking counseling of some kind. bit.ly/BC-counseling

What are good summer internships in Portland, OR?

What are good summer internships in Portland, OR? BC doesn't have much online outside the East coast!
What are good summer internships in Portland, OR? BC doesn’t have much online outside the East coast!

The Career Center offers this list of resources for finding internships nationwide: bit.ly.internship-list. If you are still having trouble, try contacting the Career Center directly for some assistance: bit.ly/BC-career. Good luck; I know it can be difficult to find the perfect internship when you’re far away, but you have my best wishes and support (that’s what we walls do best, you know).

How to choose a major when you are a junior and don’t know yet?

How to choose a major when you are a junior and don't know yet?
How to choose a major when you are a junior and don’t know yet?

The Academic Advising Center has this wonderful piece on choosing a major: bit.ly/choose-major. It serves as a reminder that choosing a major isn’t the same as choosing a career and that you should study what brings you joy. The Center also has more resources at bit.ly/BC-academic-advising, including videos/transcripts of how other students have chosen (and changed) their majors. You can do it; I have faith in you! <3

Do we live in a computer simulation?

Do we live in a computer simulation?
Do we live in a computer simulation?

There was a conference about that a couple of years ago and a number of prominent scientists and philosophers weighed in: bit.ly/bc-cs1. You can look up their work in the library catalog or articles search. The article by Bostrum mentioned there is here: bit.ly/bc-cs2. If you want to dig a little deeper, discussions of the nature of the physical universe usually go under cosmology–here’s an article which covers scientific and philosophical positions equally: bit.ly/bc-cs3

How do I make a cross-ethnic and cross-SES relationship work?

How do I make a cross-ethnic and cross-SES relationship work? Any useful studies out there?
How do I make a cross-ethnic and cross-SES relationship work? Any useful studies out there?

When two people have different experiences, assumptions, and family life, they likely have to work harder to understand each other. Since you asked about studies, here’s a literature review of 50 years of research on interracial marriages: bit.ly/50-years-loving (BC access only). For a more narrative perspective, try the recent film Loving (Law Library feature film collection), about the couple in the landmark Supreme Court case. The advantage of ethnic and SES differences is that you can’t help but recognize & address them; many couples have differences they never acknowledge until it’s too late. In that sense, differences are universal, and you just need to focus on honesty, trust, and compassion.

How do I read my philosophy HW and actually understand it? Why is Aristotle so EXTRA?!

How do I read my philosophy HW and actually understand it? Why is Aristotle so EXTRA?!
How do I read my philosophy HW and actually understand it? Why is Aristotle so EXTRA?!

Aristotle can be tough, partly because some of what we have of his is kinda like lecture notes. I’m told he’s much clearer in Greek…but assuming that isn’t feasible, here are a few things you could try. 1) Try a different translation–we have lots of all of his works. Sometimes that can make a confusing passage make more sense. In addition to reading the Aristotle, you could 2) Try reading something that tries to summarize Aristotle, like this Very Short Introduction to Ancient Philosophy. bit.ly/bc-vsi, or a general history of western philosophy. 3) Mortimer Adler’s Aristotle for Everybody was written for exactly this reason. bit.ly/bc-aristotle-everybody.