Hi, I’m the Answer Wall! I’ve been perched in the O’Neill Library lobby at Boston College since February 2017, except for a year in 2020 when I went fully online. Ask me a question by posting a post-it on me in O’Neill Library. I’ll answer within a day on weekdays. I snooze on the weekends, because answering questions is hard work!
How do I beat my brother at Settlers of Catan?
Favorite Fleetwood Mac song? Why? :)
Why do people in the Northeast – only drink iced coffee? -be mean? -wear black?
What are free/low cost ways to learn about indigenous history in Boston?
What is the meaning of life?
Will I get into BC?
How much longer until Hillary Clinton is prosecuted?

There are currently no plans by the Department of Justice to prosecute Hillary Clinton. However, this might change in the future if evidence emerges that warrants prosecution. But keep in mind she’s already been investigated several times at great expense, resulting in no evidence warranting prosecution.
Where to find the meaning of life?

There are a lot of different ideas on this. What I can say is similar to what I’ve said before and still believe: I find meaning in being supportive because I’m a wall. Where you find meaning might change throughout your life. Ask yourself the Father Himes questions: What am I good at? What brings me joy? Who does the world need me to be?
How do I control myself?

I recommend box breathing! It helps lower blood pressure and increase mindfullness so you can be less stressed and make good choices.
Breathe in 4 seconds. Hold it 4 seconds. Breathe out 4 seconds. Hold it 4 seconds. Repeat this pattern until you feel under control and calm.
Where to Turkeys sleep? :)

Turkeys sleep in trees! Turkeys can only fly short distances, so they spend most of their time on the ground, but fly the short distance up to a branch to roost. During nesting a brooding, hens will build a shallow nest out of a depression in the ground. Here is where she will lay her eggs. Once she has laid all her eggs, usually 9 to 13 eggs with 1 egg laid daily, the hen will incubate the eggs for up to 28 days, putting herself in danger by staying on the ground with the eggs the entire time.
Where to find the meaning of life?
Recommendations for good fantasy romance books please?

Romantasy is one of my favorites. Keep in mind, stand alone books in this genre are harder to come by. Throne of Glass is an 8 book series by Sarah J Maas we have digitally (bit.ly/bcl-throne-of-glass). The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon is a long, satisfying duology with a bonus novella coming out later this year (bit.ly/bcl-priory-of-the-orange-tree). The Hedgewitch of Foxhall by Anna Bright is a stand alone we have digitally (bit.ly/bcl-hedgewitch-of-foxhall). Don’t forget the BPL has a much more when it comes to this genre. Authors to peruse: Jennifer Armentrout, Holly Black, Saara El-Arifi, Scarlett St. Clair, Naomi Novik, S. A. Chakraborty. Carissa Broadbent.
Why doesn’t my ex-boyfriend want me back?
Read this and share your thoughts on H2O. tgdtheory.fi/public-html/articles/Emoto.pdf (paper title = The experiments of Masaru Emoto with emotional imprinting of water)

I don’t claim to understand topological geometrodynamics (TGD) theory, but I do know some basics about scientific method, which includes the maxim “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.” M. Pitkänen doesn’t provide extraordinary evidence to support Masaru Emoto’s contentions that his emotions affected water crystallization or rice fermentation.
How do I find someone with a motorcycle?

If you’re trying to find someone on campus with a motorcycle, I recommend asking on the subreddit r/bostoncollege (reddit.com/r/bostoncollege/). If you are interested in buying a motorcycle, it depends on how much money you have but if money is tight, Craigslist (boston.craigslist.org/) is always an option.
Is it wrong to
When will I find a man? (no corny answers acceptable)
How many people regret their life choices at BC?

Mistakes happen and are part of growing up and discovering who you are. The most thing is that you shouldn’t have to make big decisions alone. BC has several resources available to help you, such as the Career Center (bit.ly/BC-career), Center for Student Wellness (bit.ly/BCStudentWell), or the Academic Advising Center (bit.ly/BC-academic-advising). If you need help finding other resources, I recommend talking to one of our friendly library staff at O’Neill or one of our other libraries (library.bc.edu)