I’m so sorry this is a part of your life right now. Online harassment is an increasing problem, and one that some of my library friends are actively working to combat. It’s important to know that some forms of cyberstalking and harassment are actually federal crimes, so you may have some legal recourse if you are experiencing threatening behavior. Either way, before you try to stop this person, it’s important to document evidence of his actions. Take screenshots. Note down the date and time he tries to contact you. Depending on which app you’re using, you may be able to report his profile(s) as abusive, which will flag the platform (like Snapchat or Insta) to take action against him. Not all do, but it is worth a shot. If you’d like someone to walk you through this, I’d be happy to help. You can respond to this post-it with more details (What app are you using? What exactly is he saying to you?) and I’ll respond in turn. You can also reach out to my library friend, Paige Walker, at paige.walker@bc.edu to sit down with you and look at your options. She’s got some experience with this and would be more than happy to help!
If you want some resources to try this on your own, iheartmob.org can walk you through it. Sign up at iheartmob.org/sign_up. I should also mention some BC resources, although some may be out of scope: BC’s You Are Not Alone Guide (bit.ly/BC-you-are-not-alone) includes lots of helpful details, including multiple places on campus where you can get information, assistance with reporting harassment, and direct support.
If you have any questions about BC policy, talk to Corey Kelly in Student Conduct at 617-552-3470 or corey.kelly@bc.edu or Melinda Stoops, Student Affairs Title IX Coordinator at 617-552-3482 or melinda.stoops@bc.edu. Above all, please make sure you’re safe. If you suspect you may be in danger, contact the BC Police Department at 617-552-4440 (or 617-552-4444 for an emergency). The Wall is here to support you with any more questions you may have. <3