If you are referring to a long-distance relationship, I did some research but could not find evidence that long-distance relationships work or don’t. However, this doesn’t mean it’s worth a try. Like any relationship, communication is key, so I first suggest finding a regular time for you and your partner to call or video-chat each other so that you don’t feel as far. Also, if either of you can afford it, I suggest planning to visit one another in person to maintain a physical connection. There’s also a few titles in our collection on long-distance relationships that are worth checking out: Maintaining long-distance and cross-residential Relationships by Laura Strafford (O’Neill Library Call # HM1106 .S753 2005), Dear John by Nicholas Sparks (O’Neill Library Call # PS3569.P363 D43 2024), and Landing by Emma Donoghue (O’Neill Library Call # PR6054 .O547 L36 2007)