I’m so DEpressed. Everyone around me is depressed too. What should I do?

I'm so DEpressed. Everyone around me is depressed too. What should I do?
I’m so DEpressed. Everyone around me is depressed too. What should I do?

It is really hard and I know many of my human friends struggle with feeling depressed. You are not alone. You could talk with someone at University Counseling (bit.ly/BC-counseling), like another student recommended, or sign up for Wellness Coaching at bit.ly/BC-wellness-coach (building meaningful relationships is one of their target topics.)

Not the Wall, but I've been where you are. Many have had bad experiences with UCS, but it's affected me in a profoundly positive way. Additionally, smile at people. Sometimes, they smile back, and that's a big reason I've kept moving forward. There is love.
Not the Wall, but I’ve been where you are. Many have had bad experiences with UCS, but it’s affected me in a profoundly positive way. Additionally, smile at people. Sometimes, they smile back, and that’s a big reason I’ve kept moving forward. There is love.

Makes my little wall heart glad when you students are so supportive of each other. There is love, for sure.