Don’t take a class w/ Prof. [redacted name]. She is a BIGOT.

Don't take a class w/ Prof. [redacted name]. She is a BIGOT.
Don’t take a class w/ Prof. [redacted name]. She is a BIGOT.

I am sorry you had a bad experience with a professor! This is a serious matter that I recommend you take up either with your academic adviser, the department chair, or with the office of institutional diversity, who has a hate crimes and bias-related incidents reporting system: I’ve redacted the name of the professor because I have a policy (on the sign above me) about removing personal names and information.

girl what??? you got censored :(
girl what??? you got censored 🙁

My ground rules for this are stated upfront right on top of me: Good fences make good neighbors, right? This wall welcomes questions of all kinds. Please be respectful of other people, groups, and individual privacy. Anything derogatory, potentially hurtful, or that identifies a particular person will be removed.