So, today was my first heavy Hamilton dream since I got addicted in January. I don’t know why it took that long for my hamilphilic brain to start dreaming about it.

I had a dream where I met Lin The Great, but that wasn’t really Hamilton related. Today I dreamed that I was on a Hamilton expo/con/event and it was the best thing ever. I was so happy. The closest to this are the holy Ham4Ham’s, but I don’t have the time to go there. Why are there no other Hamilton events?! 😭 And why do I have to wait 2 years for my booked ticket?! 😭 Why didn’t Lin The Great respond to my Instagram message?! 😭Why is Disney+ a paid service?! 😭

It’s often hard to wait for something you really want to do. It’ll come. And in the meantime, maybe you’ll have more dream experiences to look forward to.