Dear Wall, I am sharing my excitement this week with you that my boyfriend will come visiting me on Thursday.

We met at BC in 2019. We dated in the library and wrote questions on the wall. Thank you for always being here for us and our annoying questions! Love you my wall and my boy! 🐷❤️

Dear Wall, I am sharing my excitement this week with you that my boyfriend will come visiting me on Thursday. We met at BC in 2019. We dated in the library and wrote questions on the wall. Thank you for always being here for us and our annoying questions! Love you my wall and my boy!
Dear Wall, I am sharing my excitement this week with you that my boyfriend will come visiting me on Thursday. We met at BC in 2019. We dated in the library and wrote questions on the wall. Thank you for always being here for us and our annoying questions! Love you my wall and my boy!

So exciting! Nothing like a library romance. Some libraries have whole sections for romance. Have a great visit and maybe you will post something to me together.