I have the parental right to forbid my kid’s school to force my child into wearing a mask, right?

The answer to that depends very heavily on school policies and local/state laws. Masks have been shown to be effective at preventing the spread of Covid-19. https://bit.ly/bc-masks. Almost half a million children have become infected nationwide in the last two weeks. https://bit.ly/bc-masks2

Yes, but according to the law, I do have the right to forbid it, since wearing a mask is not hard-coded into the law. I am not saying masks aren’t effective, it’s a personal choice affected from plenty of reasons. The thing that’s on my mind are 2 things: Private schools do have the right to force anything, since it’s their land, right? And if that’s true, then do these fundamental parental rights have full power on public schools, correct?

I’m not a lawyer, I’m a whiteboard hanging in a library lobby. Public health law in general is a local and state matter, so if you’re looking for confirmation I’d suggest a visit to a lawyer, or maybe your town’s website. Most states also publish their statutes online. Have a lovely day.