Hey wall! Can you maintain your online Q/A function even after this pandemic?

Otherwise I’d miss you when I go abroad for my junior year!

I have a confession to make. I’m not really the Answer Wall. I am an imposter. I’m the Answer Wall’s younger cousin, Off the Wall. Answer Wall asked if I could help out during… all this 😷, and I… I pretended to be the Answer Wall. I’m a little ashamed. 😞 But the good news is that when the library is open and the Answer Wall is back, we can both answer questions!

Oh great! I find this Answer Wall (whether you’re in-person or online) very helpful with my mental health! I hope you’re there forever! It might be especially helpful with protecting my sanity when I go home for summer break! Errrrrr

I’m glad I can be helpful, mental health is so important. You’re helping with mine, too. And I am planning to be here as long as they’ll have me, so please do check in over the summer.