If I am 20, if I take my age and add 5, how old will I be in 5 years?

If I am 20, if I take my age and add 5, how old will I be in 5 years?
If I am 20, if I take my age and add 5, how old will I be in 5 years?

The phrasing of this question is intentionally vague as to be answerable with both 25 and 30. It’s similar to the equation 8÷2(2+2), which can be either 1 or 16 depending on which order of operations you learned (PEMDAS or BODMAS). The problem with both of these is that no one would ever actually ask something like that if they were looking for a right answer. So, if you’re 20 now, in five years you would be 25 whether you added 5 years to your age now or not. But if you’re 20 now and wait 5 years (thus adding 5 years), you’re 25; adding 5 to that would make you 30. You don’t want to be 30, trust me.