How do I constructively deal with “Imposter Syndrome”?

How do I constructively deal with "Imposter Syndrome"? Especially when BC sometimes undermines my value...
How do I constructively deal with “Imposter Syndrome”? Especially when BC sometimes undermines my value…

Imposter syndrome can be hard. But the mere fact that you feel that way is good – it means you know you have more to learn. The much worse situation for everyone is when someone thinks they know everything. I assure you that everyone else is pretty much just making it up as well.
I’m sorry that you feel like BC undermines your value. The people that work here want the students to feel confident in their abilities – both as students and after they graduate. If there are particular instances when some one or some thing is making you feel small, you should try to to either confront those situations or remove yourself from them to the extent possible. If they become overwhelming or you’re not sure where to go, check out BC’s counseling services for some ideas.