Crowther is an American hero. After his death in the 9/11 attacks, his parents started the Red Bandanna Project, which sells bandanas emblazoned with his BC lacrosse jersey number (19). Boston College was a large part of Welles’ life (he lived with other BC grads in New York), so it makes sense that BC honors his sacrifice while the charitable organizations started in his honor fundraise, in part, on his connection with BC. The world is more complex than simple “monetary gain and capitalism” – it’s a symbiotic relationship between BC and the Welles Remy Crowther Charitable Trust. The Red Bandana 5K raises money for the Trust, and BC is a sponsor of the race (thus making their association with him a financially “losing” prospect in this instance). BC alumni are more likely to give money to both BC and the Trust due to their mutual association. Sometimes, everyone really does win – the Trust gets more money to develop its programs (see http://www.crowthertrust.org for more info) and BC is associated with exactly the type of person that the University aims to graduate into the world.