“Confidence” derives from the Latin fidere, to trust, so self-confidence = to trust and have faith in yourself. First make sure you take care of yourself: eat right, get enough sleep, get some exercise, comb your hair in the morning. Think about your strengths and what you have achieved in the past. Then think about how you can use your strengths to accomplish some of your goals. To get yourself going, start with smaller goals (take a yoga class; throw a small party; talk to that cute person who sits next to you in class). The more you succeed, the more self-confident you will become. If something doesn’t work out, learn from it and try a different strategy. If you’re ever at the point where it’s all too much though, Counseling Services (bit.ly/BC-counseling) can be of help. I know I have faith in you (and you should too)! <3 <3 <3