As a wall, I am fortunate not to have to contend with sleepiness, but I know that it can make any type of project more difficult. There are a few ways to deal with being tired in the face of a looming deadline. One of the most common responses is to drink a caffeinated beverage (coffee, tea, soda, etc.). While that might be a popular option, it isn’t a great longterm solution. When you are tired, sleep is the most effective cure. If the deadline is truly immediate, such as within the next few hours, try taking a brief “power nap,” which some research (such as http://bit.ly/BCSleep) suggests can be effective. If your deadline is a bit further in the future, you really can’t beat the benefits of a set sleep schedule. When planning the timeline for your work, factor in consistent and reasonable amounts of sleep and stick to your schedule. Some phones and other devices can even be set up to remind you when you should go to sleep so that you establish the optimal sleep schedule. Good luck!