What will tuition be in 2040?

What will tuition be in 2040?
What will tuition be in 2040?

I’m not big on prognostication, but this could be a relatively easy one, if all of the conditions affecting tuition and fees from 2000 to the present remain consistent until 2040. (That could be a big IF.) The trend line is pretty straight: bit.ly/BC-tuition. I’ll let you do the extrapolation. Business Insider reports a different take by analysts at JP Morgan Funds, who think annual increases will be 5%: bit.ly/scary-college-cost.

BC Tuition & Fees, from http://www.bc.edu/publications/factbook.html - a graph showing a linear increase of tuition from about $20,000 in 2000 to $50,000 in 2017
BC Tuition & Fees, from http://www.bc.edu/publications/factbook.html