Hate is a way to remain emotionally tied to suffering. What are the behaviors of your professor that set off your antipathy? Are those behaviors directly harming you? How much time do you spend thinking about them? I recommend one book on hate: The Psychology of Hate, edited by Robert Sternberg, (O’Neill Library BF575.H3 P74 2005), and one book on happiness: The Psychology of Happiness, by Michael Argyle, (O’Neill Library BF575.H27 A74 2001). Of course, if this professor has actually harmed you and you need to take action, I recommend seeking assistance from someone in the BC administration, such as the Dean of Students office (bit.ly/BC-DOS), the Women’s Center (bit.ly/BC-WC), or the Thea Bowman AHANA and Intercultural Center (bit.ly/BC-BAIC), depending on the nature of the harm.