I’d send plea to the vending company (service@abvendingco.com). Perhaps they can alleviate your plight.
Answering questions at Boston College O’Neill Library
I’d send plea to the vending company (service@abvendingco.com). Perhaps they can alleviate your plight.
Alas! The library has no control over the vending machines. They are serviced by vending companies who contract with the BC office called Auxiliary Services, who has steadily been working with those companies to have machines updated to accpet Eagle ID’s. If the machine should take some other form of payment (i.e., cash) but doesn’t, please call the toll-free service number on the machine.
The folks in Auxiliary Services said Coke is in the process of replacing all the Eagle Card readers with new ones that accept both credit cards and Eagle Cards, and that they’re about halfway through the process. If there’s a particular machine that should accept Eagle ID’s and doesn’t (accepted payments are identified with stickers), contact the vending company via the phone number on the machine. Soon, the snack company will also be updating their machines to accept Eagle IDs.
Coca-Cola has finally finished setting up all of their machines to accept Eagle Bucks. BC has looked into getting the coffee machine to accept eagle bucks, but unfortunately, that machine is incompatible with the card readers that read BC ID’s. You’ll need to bring cash or a credit card to use the coffee vending machine. 🙁
So sad! Feedback to the vending company (service@abvendingco.com) is probably your best line of action. Also, the Campus Bookstore in McElroy, just steps away from Stokes S, does carry your favorite treat (during far more limited hours – maybe get one now!)
Perhaps God is testing you. This is almost as horrific as biting into that amazing chocolate chip cookie, only to find it is, in fact {shudder} oatmeal raisin. You can (and should, for the well being of all) send feedback to service@abvendingco.com.
How frustrating. One of my helpers assures me she uses them all too often, and they usually work. She does think it is unnerving that a coffee machine is occasionally down for “updates” – that’s a little too futuristic! The machines are tended to frequently, but If you ever lose money, call 800-696-1188 for a cash refund, or go to bit.ly/EagleRefund if you used your Eagle Card. Snack on!