That would be so great! I miss the doggos too. It depends on so much, but we have some ideas and we hope to find a way.
Hey wall! Although I’d prefer Meowing, can we have virtual therapy dog visit?
How’s your therapy dog friends doing nowadays? Meow?
My assistants are intrigued by the possibilities of a virtual therapy dog or virtual pet visit. Stay tuned!
I thought they bring in dogs during test week.

Yes! There are therapy dogs here at O’Neill during exams. But we recognize that’s not the only stressful time when humans can benefit from dog love. They’ll be here in O’Neill (in the 3rd floor Reading Room) this week. See signs in the lobby.

Dogs! Brain Break! Next Wednesday, April 10, O’Neill 3rd Floor Reading Room, 7-11pm. Dogs, chair massage, desk yoga, origami, button-maker, games, puzzles, coffee, snacks… .
While you wait for the Brain Break dogs to appear, why not vote on cute dogs and help a student philosophy project? Visit the Cute Dog Project, an online experiment in democratic theory, social choice theory, value theory, critical theory, philosophy of science, and information ethics. And cute dogs!
More therapy dogs?
They are still coming: Saturday, Campbell will be here from 2 pm to 6 pm. Charlie will be awaiting your visit on Monday between 5 pm and 7 pm. And Sailor will end this semester’s visitations on Tuesday with a visit from 7 pm to 9 pm. [As I mentioned yesterday, we would love to have cats and other animals, but the university prefers we stick to dogs. But here’s another picture–Scarlet and Henry!]
Will there be any doggo visits any time soon? It’s been 3 days since I’ve seen my dog & I’m having withdrawals.
Awwww. The doggos are coming to the O’Neill Reading Room. Follow @bclibraries on Instagram and FB for changes. 12/11 Maya 12:30-2:30,12/12 Joe 1:30-3:30,12/13 Juno 11:00-12:00,12/13 Jolie 7:00-9:00,12/14 Spencer?,12/15 Campbell 2:00-6:00,12/17 Charlie 5:00-7:00, 12/18 Sailor 7:00-9:00