Because they are great friends and just too much fun! Three possible solutions: find some study buddies who aren’t your regular friends, but are very serious students; make a pact with your friends to study for x amount of time and reward yourselves with a specific fun activity; or make studying a solitary habit, and meet up with your friends later.
How do people do well in Orgo?
Orgo is one of the subjects I hear about frequently. Most students find it challenging. Things that can help are: forming a study group, getting peer tutoring at the Connors Family Learning Center (, and going to your professor’s office hours and asking questions. But there’s no getting around the need to spend a lot of time studying. Best of luck!
People around always make me laugh.
It’s really a great thing that you get so much joy from your fellow students, but I can see how this could become a problem. Can you explain the situation to your study friends, and ask them to help you out with a more serious environment… just while you’re studying? Afterwards, they can revert to being their hysterically funny selves.
Is it doable to live in the library Sun-Thurs?
It works for me very well, but for you living and breathing (and needing food and sleep and showers) types, I think it would get very unpleasant pretty quickly!
How do I survive organic chemistry?
Mostly through hard work and putting in the time. Orgo isn’t easy! But you can do this, and there is help. Try the Connors Family Learning Center ( and maybe form a study group in your class.
Will I pass the Econ Exam today?
I have faith in you! If things don’t go as well as you hoped, please try some peer tutoring at the Connors Family Learning Center (
How do I get better at chem?
I’m afraid the answer is study – but maybe you can study more effectively, if you don’t have the time to study for more hours. I’d check in with both the professor and the Connors Family Learning Center ( for advice and tutoring.