I can’t tell by looking at you, but hope you will check in with Health Services (bit.ly/BostonCollegeHealth) to rule out a physical cause, and then with the Office of Health Promotion (http://bit.ly/BCSleepy) to get some serious advice on improving your sleep.
How to get 10 hrs sleep per a day with huge workload?
If 10 hours is necessary for you, or a personal priority, you will need to be judicious with how your spend your awake time and manage a massive workload. Ear plugs and a sleeping eye mask can help with making your sleep time more conducive to sleep. And take a break from technology before bedtime. The CDC provides an overview of sleep recommendations by age (bit.ly/cdc-sleep-needs) if you want to reconsider how much sleep is necessary for you to function at your best.
How do you get motivated to do homework when you’re sleepy and anxious all the time?
It sounds like the problem might be the sleep and anxiety. If you work to resolve those, the homework might not be a problem. The Office of Health Promotion has some great tips on sleep (bit.ly/BCSleepy) and stress (bit.ly/BCDeStress).
每 天 得 睡 13 个 小 时, 我 是 不 是 在 长 身 体?
Humans between the ages of 13 and 25 often do need more sleep than other humans, but 13 hours daily does seem excessive. I recommend visiting a doctor to make sure there’s not a health problem of some kind.
How do you tell ur roomate he has sleep apnea?
I would go the “I am not a doctor” (IANAD) route and not diagnose him, but gently bring up the symptoms that you’ve noticed, tell him they alarm you, and suggest he might want to ask his doctor (or see University Health Services (bit.ly/BostonCollegeHealth) about it. It’s good that you’re making the effort to do this; sleep apnea is no joking matter!
I didn’t sleep last night 😩
I’m sorry that happened. Hopefully, exhaustion will help you sleep soundly tonight. If this is a perennial problem, look into solutions for insomnia (bit.ly/mayo-insomnia). If it’s a matter of staying up all night to finish a project or study, I hope the rest of this semester’s conclusion can involve more rest.
Why am I so tired? :(
The start of the fall semester, while very exciting, can also be exhausting! If you’ve covered the bases (eating well, exercising regularly, getting at least 7 hours of sleep – all so easy to do in college, right?), and feel you’re still fatigued, maybe visit University Health Services (bit.ly/BostonCollegeHealth). Also check out options with Ofc. of Health Promotion (bit.ly/BC-health-promo)