There are rats in O’Neill library.

There are rats in O'Neill library. Would you be able to do something about it?
There are rats in O’Neill library. Would you be able to do something about it?

My helpers and I have only seen mice, not rats – are you sure they’re rats? In any case, Facillities is aware of the problem and taking what measures they can.

Yeah maybe they are mice. I couldnt distinguish them well sorry
Yeah maybe they are mice. I couldnt distinguish them well sorry

No worries, they assure me they were not offended.

How to get rid of rats?

How to get rid of rats?
How to get rid of rats?

The CDC has some good advice ( seal up any holes in your home; remove food sources like spilled foods, pet foods, bird seed; keep your garbage tightly closed; and set up traps.

Rat Sighting: 4th Floor between shelves PL/KF

Rat Sighting: 4th Floor between shelves PL/KF-GROSS! (sad face)
Rat Sighting: 4th Floor between shelves PL/KF-GROSS! (sad face)

It’s the time of year when small outdoor creatures move to warmer winter options, so it’s inevitable there may be a few sightings. Thanks for alerting us. I’m sorry you had this confrontation. The library has traps set and exterminators in the building daily, so it should be a rare occurrence.