Taza Guajillo Chili.
Backwood or fronto + paper?
None of the above? I don’t actually have a body, but if I did have one, I wouldn’t want to be introducing things like that into it.
Is smoking weed 5 times a week an unhealthy habit?
IANAD, but 5 times a week sounds like a good reason to think about your use and how it is affecting your life. Why not schedule a 1 on 1 session with someone from the Office of Health Promotion (bit.ly/BCOHPIHP) to discuss this?
If cannabis kills cancer, how can someone logically explain the cause of Bob Marley’s death?
Cannabis is used in cancer treatment to help with pain and nausea from chemotherapy, not as a cure. The short version: bit.ly/bc-mj. If you want more technical detail, you can look at the clinician’s summary of the current literature: bit.ly/bc-mj2.
Is it bad if your bf likes weed over you?
Yes, this seems like it is bad. IAAWNAP, but I would argue both that you deserve more than this, and that if he is placing his use of substances over his relationships, it’s a red flag that he should consider seeking help about it. Why not contact Counseling Services (bit.ly/BC-counseling) and running your question by them?
Why do some people think weed is bad?
Marijuana contains a psychoactive chemical that alters how the user perceives the world. Some people may not like how marijuana affects a user’s behavior, or they may fear that use will escalate to more addictive substances. Regardless of how valid or subjective these concerns are, people will always have opinions about any substance that alters the user’s behavior. Scientific research has been difficult due to federal regulations, but now that marijuana is legal in more areas, we should expect to see more facts and fewer opinions on the matter.