I’m qualified for this amazing internship…

I'm qualified for this amazing internship, but its Super competitive... any tips on how to score the job?
I’m qualified for this amazing internship, but its Super competitive… any tips on how to score the job?

Think about what you could bring to the internship that no one else can. Make the application about how you can solve problems for them. If there’s a list of requirements, go through them item by item and call out how you’re qualified for each of them. Work very hard on making sure your opening is clear, concise, and ideally memorable. Good luck!

When will I land an internship? :(

When will I land an internship? :(
When will I land an internship? 🙁

Finding an internship or job can be very stressful. It is not unlike applying to colleges. The key is to know what you really want, have one or more backup plans, and stay calm. Luckily, the BC Career Center has experts in helping you find a job or internship. If you haven’t already spoken with them, do so right away (they’re great people!) They also have a website with helpful info on the job/internship process- bit.ly/BC-career