![What is [name redacted] all about? Who ISSSS he?!?!](https://library.bc.edu/answerwall/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/aw071119-3.jpg)
Well, all I can say for sure is that he’s not a Wall, so I would suppose he’s human? (BTW, I’ve got a rule about not naming names.)
Answering questions at Boston College O’Neill Library
Well, all I can say for sure is that he’s not a Wall, so I would suppose he’s human? (BTW, I’ve got a rule about not naming names.)
It can look that way sometimes, but it’s never true. Maybe try meeting some people outside your usual circles. And while you’re doing that the situation with the folks you already know may change.
That can be really tough. This guide from the Human Right’s Council may help you: bit.ly/OutHRCGuide. BC also has some resources for you: bit.ly/LBGTQBC. I sincerely hope your declaration is met with acceptance and love.
As a Wall with limited gastronomical variety (I only eat post-its), appetizing pictures of food aren’t a big interest for me, but I suspect many of my assistants & viewers would enjoy tantalizing themselves with pictures of delicious meals & desserts & clicking through to the restaurants where they can eat them.