It sounds like the problem might be the sleep and anxiety. If you work to resolve those, the homework might not be a problem. The Office of Health Promotion has some great tips on sleep (bit.ly/BCSleepy) and stress (bit.ly/BCDeStress).
Answering questions at Boston College O’Neill Library
It sounds like the problem might be the sleep and anxiety. If you work to resolve those, the homework might not be a problem. The Office of Health Promotion has some great tips on sleep (bit.ly/BCSleepy) and stress (bit.ly/BCDeStress).
I strongly suggest GOT as a treat for finishing your homework. It’s a win-win (and no spoilers from me! )
I can understand that. There are so many exciting things to do around here, and assignments can seem tedious in comparison. I’d say, keep the goal (learning? grades? graduation?) in sight, and maybe set up a system of small rewards for getting chunks of the work done.
Everyone’s most effective approach is a little different, so there’s a lot of advice available. The Wall suggests running a few simple experiments. 1) Some people need absolute quiet to focus, others like some background hum. Try doing the opposite of what you usually do for a bit and see if it’s better. 2) Some people cram immediately before exams, others space it out in smaller chunks thorugh the semester. Most people have done the first; try the second if you haven’t. 3) Take care of your body and mind. It’s really hard to focus if you’re hungry, or falling asleep, or stressed out. You can also talk to my friends at the Connors Family Learning Center down one floor–they can get you set up with an academic coach to give you more detailed advice. http://bit.ly/BC-connors